Environmental Monitoring Assignment - Harry & Jo

By skeenh
  • Jo collects dirt for Week 1 Ph Level Testing & Texture Testing

    Jo collects dirt for Week 1 Ph Level Testing & Texture Testing
    Dirt is collected from 2 different locations around Jo's backyard dam.
  • Jo collects dirt for Week 2 Ph Level Testing

    Dirt is again collected from the same 2 locations as week 1.
  • Ph level testing for week 1 & 2 soil samples is undertaken, along with texture testing

    Ph level testing for week 1 & 2 soil samples is undertaken, along with texture testing
    Both locations from both weeks are mixed with universal indicator and then compared to the Ph chart to tell what their Ph levels are. For the texture testing water is added and it's kneaded into a ball. It's then measured and then kneaded out into a ribbon to the point where if it was stretched anymore it would break and measured again.
  • Jo collects dirt for Week 3 Ph Level Testing

    Collects dirt from location 1 & 2 for Ph testing
  • Ph level testing for Week 3 soil samples is undertaken

    Ph level testing for Week 3 soil samples is undertaken
    Same method as last weeks samples is undertaken and results are recorded accordingly