Environmental laws in india

Environmental Laws, Agencies and Treaties Timeline - Sam Schalki

  • Lacey Act (US)

    Lacey Act (US)
    Combats trafficking of illegally taken wildlife, fish or plants.
  • World Bank

    World Bank
    Providing technical and financial assistance to developing countries with the objectives of reducing poverty and promoting growth.
  • World Health Organization

    World Health Organization
    Dedicated to the improvement of human health by monitoring and assessing health trends and providing medical advice to countries.
  • Delaney Clause of Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (US)

    Delaney Clause of Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (US)
    Requires the FDA to ban food additives which are found to cause or induce cancer in humans or animals as indicated by testing.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (US)

    Environmental Protection Agency (US)
    Oversees all governmental efforts related to the environment, including science, research, assessment and education.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (US)

    Occupational Safety and Health Administration (US)
    Responsible for the enforcement of health and safety regulations.
  • Clean Air Act (US)

    Clean Air Act (US)
    Comprehensive federal law that regulates all sources of air emissions.
  • United Nations Environment Programme

    United Nations Environment Programme
    UNEP uses its expertise to strengthen environmental standards and practices while helping implement environmental obligations at the country, regional and global levels.
  • Clean Water Act (US)

    Clean Water Act (US)
    Establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for surface waters.
  • Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

    Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
    International agreement signed by 184 parties in 1973, designed to ensure that international trade in animals and plants does not threaten their survival in the wild.
  • Endangered Species Act (US)

    Endangered Species Act (US)
    The primary law in the US for promoting imperiled species.
  • Safe Drinking Water Act (US)

    Safe Drinking Water Act (US)
    The principal federal law in the United States intended to ensure safe drinking water for the public.
  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (US)

    Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (US)
    Gives EPA the authority to control hazardous waste from cradle to grave.
  • Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (US)

    Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (US)
    The primary federal law that regulates the environmental effects of coal mining in the Unites States.
  • Department of Energy (US)

    Department of Energy (US)
    An executive department of the US federal government that oversees US National energy policy and manages the research and development of nuclear power and nuclear weapons in the US.
  • Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, Liability Act (US)

    Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, Liability Act (US)
    Provides a federal "superfund" to cleanup uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites as well as accidents, spills, and other emergency releases of pollutants and contaminants into the environment.
  • Montreal Protocol

    Montreal Protocol
    A global agreement to protect the stratospheric ozone layer by phasing out the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances.
  • Kyoto Protocol

    Kyoto Protocol
    An international treaty which extended that 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that commits state parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.