
Environmental Laws, Agencies, and Treaties - Ben Parr

By BParr
  • Lacey Act (US)

    Lacey Act (US)
    US law that bans trafficking in fish, wildlife, or plants taken illegally or illegally possessed transported or sold
  • World Bank

    World Bank
    International financial institutions providing money to governments of low-middle-income countries
  • World Health Organization

    World Health Organization
    Agency is responsible for international public health.
  • Delaney Clause of Food,Drug, and Cosmetic Act (US)

    Delaney Clause of Food,Drug, and Cosmetic Act (US)
    No cancer-causing agent shall be deliberately added or found as a contaminant in food.
  • National Environmental Policy Act (US)

    National Environmental Policy Act (US)
    US law that promotes the enhancement of the environment and established the presidential council on Environmental Quality.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (US)

    Environmental Protection Agency (US)
    Independent agency of US tasked with environmental protection.
  • Clean Air Act (US)

    Clean Air Act (US)
    Defines EPA's responsibility for protecting and improving national air quality and ozone.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (US)

    Occupational Safety and Health Administration (US)
    Regulatory agency of the US that inspects and examines workplaces for safety.
  • Untied Nations Environment Programme

    Untied Nations Environment Programme
    Agency is responsible for coordinating responses to environmental issues within the UN system.
  • Clean Water Act (US)

    Clean Water Act (US)
    Primary law in the US governing water pollution.
  • Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species

    Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
    International Treaty between governments to ensure international trade of wild plants and animals does not threaten the species' survival.
  • Endangered Species Act (US)

    Endangered Species Act (US)
    Primary Law in the US protects endangered species by setting the framework for protection.
  • Safe Drinking Water Act (US)

    Safe Drinking Water Act (US)
    Principal federal law in the US intends to ensure safe drinking water.
  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (US)

    Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (US)
    Principal law in the US governing disposal of solid and hazardous waste.
  • Department of Energy (US)

    Department of Energy (US)
    Cabinet-level department of the US concerned with federal energy policy and handling of nuclear material.
  • Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (US)

    Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (US)
    Primary federal law regulates the environmental effect of coal mining in the US, for both active and abandoned mines.
  • Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, Liability Act (US)

    Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, Liability Act (US)
    Established Federal superfund program, administered by EPA to clean up hazardous sites.
  • Montreal Protocol

    Montreal Protocol
    Treaty was designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of substances responsible for ozone depletion (CFC)
  • Kyoto Protocol

    Kyoto Protocol
    Commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by state parties.