National Park Service Act
This established the National parks to be maintained in a specific manner. (leaves the unimpaired for future generations and established the National Park Service to manage the parks). -
Soil Conservation Act
The government pays farmers to reduce production to conserve oil and prevent erosion. -
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act
This set up system of pesticide regulation to protect applicators, consumers, and environment. -
Clean Air Act
This regulates the quality of the air, includes the federal government in pollution issues, and lowers negative health risks. -
Fish and Wildlife Act
This established a comprehensive National Fish/Wildlife Policy to develop measures for ultimate sustainable yield to insure stability of domestic fisheries. -
Price-Anderson Act
This limits the liability of the nuclear industry in the event of a nuclear accident in the U.S. (radioactive wastes and transportation are also covered). -
Wilderness Act
This established the National Wildlife Preservation System and it prohibits activities that would impair the wilderness areas'. -
Water Resources Planning Act
This established principles and standards for federal participants in the preparation of river basin plans & evaluating federal
water projects. (plan with respect to
agriculture, urban, energy, industrial, recreational, and fish and wildlife needs). -
Water Quality Act
This created the first water standards and mandated a water quality assessment program of the nation's water. -
Land and Water Conservation Act
This provides money to federal, state/local governments to purchase land and water for the benefits of all American citizens. -
Species Conservation Act
This provides lists for native animals species as endangered and giving them limited protection. -
Freedom of Information Act
This is public access to U.S. government records. -
National Trails System Act
This created a series of national trails to promote the preservation of public access to travel & to enjoy/appreciate the open-air, outdoor areas and historic resources of the nation. -
National Environmental Policy Act
This required agencies to release an environmental impact statement before undertaking any major action affecting the environment. -
Marine Mammal Protection Act
This is federal law that gives responsibility of protecting marine animals -
Clean Water Act
This regulates & enforces program for discharges into U.S. waters, regulates wetland destruction/construction, establishes waste-water treatment construction. -
Endangered Species Act
This provides that are endangered/threatened throughout all of significant portion of their range, and the conservation of their ecosystems on which they depend. -
Renewable Resources Planning Act
This mandates assessments of forests & rangelands in the U.S. which are conducted by the U.S. Forest Service. (consider a broad range of renewable resources, including outdoor recreation, fish, wildlife, water, range, timber and minerals). -
Safe Drinking Water Act
This establishes primary drinking water standards and also establishes groundwater protection programs. -
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
This lists more than 800 species that cannot be commercially traded as live specimens or wildlife products because they are in danger of extinction. -
Federal Land Policy and Management Act
This gave the Bureau of Land Management its first real authority to manage the public land under its control. -
Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Act
This requires the Secretary of Agriculture to develop a management program for National forest lands based on multiple-use and sustained yield principles. -
National Forest Management Act
This authorized the creation & use of a special fund in situations involving the salvage of insect-infested, dead, damaged or downed timber and to remove associated trees for stand improvement. -
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
This is a federal law that governs the disposal of solid waste as well as hazardous waste. -
Soil and Water Conservation Act
This provides continued appraisal of the U.S. soil, water, etc. (including fish and wildlife habitats, and a soil and water conservation program to assist landowners). -
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act
This requires restoration of abandoned mines, and regulating surface coal mining activities. -
Energy Tax Act
This is putting taxes on sources of energy that are not sustainable. -
Artic Conservation Act
This act makes it unlawful to take native mammals and or birds, to engage in harmful interference, to enter specially designated areas, to introduce species to antarctica, to introduce substances designated pollutants, and to import certain antarctic items into the U.S. -
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
This identifies hazardous waste sites, a national priority list to rank severity of hazardous waste sites, and has superfund creates money for clean up so that people can be held responsible. -
Low Level Radioactive Policy Act
This act specifies that all states are responsible for the waste they generate. -
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act
This gave assistance to the U.S. for the implementation of conservation plans/programs for non game fish and wildlife. -
Nuclear Waste Policy Act
This is an act because the U.S. government must develop a high level nuclear waste site for the dumping of nuclear waste. -
International Environmental Protection Act
This authorizes the President to assist countries in protecting/maintaining wildlife habitats & to provide an active role in conservation by the Agency for International Development. -
Food Security Act
This act discouraged the conversion of wetlands to non wetlands. -
Emergency Wetlands Resources Act
This act aims to promote wetlands conservation for the public benefit. -
Montreal Protocol
This is where a group of nations met in Canada and agreed to take steps to fight against Ozone Depletion-CFC's were banned. -
Ocean Dumping Ban Act
This provides a partial ban on ocean dumping and prohibits the dumping of sewage sludge and industrial waste. -
Madrid Protocol
This increased environmental protection by requiring assessments of possible environmental effects of any activities and also requires development of plans outlining responses to environmental emergencies & prohibits mining. -
Waste Reduction Act
This mandated the EPA to develop and coordinate a pollution prevention strategy and create source reduction models. -
Pollution Prevention Act
This act creates a source of reductions and recycling activities, and authorizes and a collection on pollution prevention data. -
Lacey Act
This prohibits interstate transport of wild animals, dead or alive, without federal permit, -
Environmental Education Act
This established the Office of Environmental Education within the EPA to develop and administer a federal environmental education program. -
California Desert Protection Act
This act established the Death Valley and Joshua Tree National Parks and the Mojave National Preserve in the California desert. -
Food Quality Protection Act
This set pesticide limits in food, & all active and inactive ingredients must be screened for estrogenic/endocrine effects. -
Kyoto Protocol
This established legally binding commitments for the reduction of four greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulfur hexafluoride), and two groups of gases (hydrofluorocarbons and perfluorocarbons).