
Environmental Laws

  • conserving trees

    conserving trees
    Pennsylvania colony governor William Penn told colonists to conserve one tree for every five trees cut down
  • Butin Act

    Butin Act
    Congress passed the Burton Act,which preserved Niagra Falls from power facilites
  • Raker Act

    Raker Act
    After a seven year debate between enviromentalists and Californians looking for water rights. Congress then passed the Raker Act.
  • National Park Service

    National Park Service
    This is when congress established the National Park Service and today there are about 400 national parks in America.
  • Bald Eagle Preservation Act

    Bald Eagle Preservation Act
    Congress passed this act to prevent the extinction of the bald eagle.
  • Silent Spring

    Silent Spring
    Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring and it warned people about how dangerous pesticides can be.
  • Pollution Free Cars

    Pollution Free Cars
    General Motors president promised Americans pollution free cars by 1980.
  • Alaska National Interest Land Conversion Act

    Alaska National Interest Land Conversion Act
    Congress passed this act designating over 100 million acres of parks, wildlife refuges, and wilderness areas in the state.
  • An Inconvenient Truth

    An Inconvenient Truth
    The former U.S vice president released An inconvenient Truth and it raised awareness of global warming.
  • Geat Lakes

    Geat Lakes
    Great Lakes compact signed by all Great Lakes states tried to stop distribution and sale of water to nonregions.