conserving trees
Pennsylvania colony governor William Penn told colonists to conserve one tree for every five trees cut down -
Butin Act
Congress passed the Burton Act,which preserved Niagra Falls from power facilites -
Raker Act
After a seven year debate between enviromentalists and Californians looking for water rights. Congress then passed the Raker Act. -
National Park Service
This is when congress established the National Park Service and today there are about 400 national parks in America. -
Bald Eagle Preservation Act
Congress passed this act to prevent the extinction of the bald eagle. -
Silent Spring
Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring and it warned people about how dangerous pesticides can be. -
Pollution Free Cars
General Motors president promised Americans pollution free cars by 1980. -
Alaska National Interest Land Conversion Act
Congress passed this act designating over 100 million acres of parks, wildlife refuges, and wilderness areas in the state. -
An Inconvenient Truth
The former U.S vice president released An inconvenient Truth and it raised awareness of global warming. -
Geat Lakes
Great Lakes compact signed by all Great Lakes states tried to stop distribution and sale of water to nonregions.