The Yellowstone Act
Congress passed the Yellowstone Act, making Yellowstone the first national park "dedicated and set apart as a public park. This was important because it was the first official recognition of the importance of preserving the beauty and recources of nature. Thus setting an example for others and preserving a beautiful and rare place that remains unspoiled today. -
First Air Pollution survery in the U.S.
Salt Lake City was the first U.S. city to cunduct a large scale air pollution survey. This marks an important turning point in science and in environmentalism. It begins a study into the best way to measure pollution in addition to what it means to feel the environment has enough value to put the energy and funding into an Air Pollution Survey. -
The first Ethinol Plant
The biofuel brand Agrol opened the first ethinol plant, in Atchison, KS. The The introduction of a cleaner and more renuable fuel option than gasoline could pottentially chane the way our fueling system effects the environment. As it turns out, Ethinol hurts the environment as much, if not more, than tradition gasoline. -
Bald Eagle Preservation Act
Congress passed the Blad Eagle Preservation Act to prevent the extinction of the bald eagle. I feel the idea that animals and wildlife in general is more valuble alive than dead. Now the bald eagle has been removed frmo the endangered specied list. -
Clean Air Act
Congress passed the first Clean Air Act which reglated air pollution and emissions. When something is passed in the govornment, especially when it it something that limits the rights of corporations, that really means it has moved into the main stream. In addition is a movement into making sacrifices of profit and even of lifestle for the sake of preserving the health of the planet. -
The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act
Passed by President Johnson, the WIld and Scenic Rivers Act protected waterways from development, pollution, and commercialization. This prevented the spoilage of many delicate ecosystems that are very important to human life. Waterways make waist disposal easy and could have been quickly become totaly destroyed. -
Earth Day
The first Earth Day, organaized by Gaylord Nelson, was celebrated by 20 million people across the country. WE have fathers day, mothers day, and MArtin Luther King Day, w\it seems logical that we should have a holiday to celebrate the one thing that we can all agree supports all our lived completely and we would not be able to exist with out it. An anual reminder thatr the earth is important will always be valuble. -
Safe Drinking Water Act
congress passed the Safe drinking Water Act to be administered by the EPA, protecting Americans from contaminated drinking water. This emphasizes the fact that what you put into your body has a huge effect on your health. This probably helped a lot in imporvinmg the general heealth of society in addition to continued protection of the water supply in general which will always be imperitive ot human life. -
The Montreal Protocol
The Montreal Protocol was an international treaty, which was origonaly signed to eliminate ozone- delpleating hydrocarbons from the environment. A worldwide agreement to change something about what we are doing can do so much for how thew world works and what our effect on it is. Since it was passed harmful ozone-depleting hydrocarb production has siginficantly decreased. -
An Inconvenient truth
Former Vice President Al Gore released An Inconvenient Truth. A film which created awareness about global warming and bring environmentalism even more into the mainstream. This helped people realize how dangerous our current treatment of the earth can become if we don't change. Now more and more people are producing and buying electric cars, using solar panels, recycling, etc.