World Population Reached 1 Billion
establishment of national forests
Lacey Act
The act created in order to protect wildlife. The first federal law protecting wildlife -
DDT Banned
Banned the use of pestasides -
Migratory Bird Act
A law enacted to protect birds migrating between the United States and Great Britain -
Bald Eagle Protection act
Bald egales became protected -
Public health service act
Everglades National Park
The Everglades National Park was established -
World Population Reached 3 Billion
antartic treaty system
Silent Spring Published
This book, focused on environmental awareness, was published. -
clean air act
Wilderness Act
President Lyndon B. Johnson began the act that would create the National Wilderness Preservation System -
National Environmental Policy Act
Created in order to protect all of the environment from pollutants -
First Earth Day
EPA Formed
The environmental protection agency was created -
U.N. Enviorment programme created
clean water act
worl enviorment day
OPEC Oil Embargo
Members of OPEC began an oil embargo on the United States in retaliation of the U.S. supporting and resupplying the Israeli Army -
Endangered Species Act
Created in order to protect and recover species and the ecosystems they depend on. -
Created in order to protect endangered plants and animals. -
Toxic Substances Control Act
Provides the EPA to be able to require reporting, record-keeping, and testing requirements for toxic substances -
Recource Conservation and Recovery act
Alternative Energy Institute
Created in order to dedicate a whole segment of A&M into focusing on alternative ways to create energy -
water quality act
Love Canal Disaster
From 1978 - 2004, Love Canal served as a 70 Acre landfill which ultimately led to large environmental pollution and harm to the health of hundreds of residents. -
3 mile island accident
Union Carbide Plant Explosion
An accident caused 30 tons of methyl isocyanate into the environment -
chernoble nuclear explosion
and massive neclear explosion in Ukraine -
Montreal Protocol
Created to protect the stratosphere from environmental pollution. -
World Population Reached 5 Billion
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
The tanker Exxon Valdez grounded on Bligh Reef in Prince William Sound, Alaska. This resulted in nearly 11 million gallons of crude oil to spill into the large body of water. -
Gulf war oil spill
several oil spills -
kyoto protocol
First U.N. Earth Summit
A meeting between some of the worlds largest and most powerful countries in order to find a way to achieve sustainable development worldwide. -
food quality potection act
made fo better food quality -
worls food summit
BP Oil Spill
This oil spill led to what is considered the largest oil spill in history. -
World Population Reached 7 Billion
Paris Climate Accord
Another meeting between some of the worlds largest and most powerful countries in order to try to find a resolution or a new way to control pollution.