Environmental influences

  • The dust bowl

    The dust bowl caused people to recognize that some agricultural practices can affect soils and the climate (text, 7).
  • Minamata Bay disaster

    It was a kind of organic mercury poisoning induced by the intake of polluted fish and shellfish caught in Minamata Bay. It caused environmental pollution. (Text)
  • A silent spring

    Was a book published by Rachel Carson about the dangers of chemical toxins affecting humans. It spurred a reversal in national pesticide policy, led to a nationwide ban on DDT for agricultural uses, and inspired an environmental movement that led to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • The first earth day

    The first earth day influenced over 20 million Americans to take part. A large-scale demonstration of environmental activism, the observance leads to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and legislation including the Clean Air Act. (https://www.aarp.org/politics-society/history/info-2020/key-environmental-moments.html)
  • The first earth summit

    The first summit discussed a Declaration of UN conference, Action Plan for the Human Environment, Environment Fund, which was established, and the Formation of UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The Earth Summits were then planned at ten-year intervals, (text, 7).
  • Chernobyl disaster

    A nuclear fallout that affected millions of people. After the accident, radioactive materials were deposited mostly on open surfaces such as lawns, parks, roads, and building roofs, for instance by contaminated rain. Since then, the surface contamination in urban areas has decreased because of the effects of wind, rain, traffic, street washing and cleanup. (Website)
  • IPCC was founded by UNEP

    Advised governments on the risk of climate change, (text,8).
  • Rio earth summit and Kyoto protocol

    Agreement to reduce carbon (CO,) emissions to counter
    enhanced greenhouse effect and global warming.
    Agenda 21. Later in 2005 the Kyoto protocol becomes a legal requirement and 174 countries signed and are expected to reduce carbon emissions to some 15% below expected emissions in 2008 (text, 8).
  • The Johannesburg summit

    The Johannesburg summit planned to globally improve, Water and sanitation, Energy supply issues, Health, Agricultural abuse, and Biodiversity reduction, (text,8).
  • An inconvenient truth

    The documentary made by AI Gore, that raised international public awareness of global warming and reenergizing the environmental movement.