Use of DDT
DDT was created in a laboratory in 1873. In 1939, Dr. Paul Muller discovered DDT was also effective in killing insects. During WW||, DDT used to kill mosquitoes that spread insect borne human disease among civilians and the military (malaria, typhus). After the war DDT was commercialised and accessible to the public. -
Carson's Warning about DDT
Rachel Carson offered a new angle. She explored DDT's potential to create collateral damage on wildlife. She states that DDT is toxic to both human beings and animals if take in by mouth. Carson understood the implication of this and wanted to warn people to be careful with it. It looked like it was a great thing but people had to be cautious in how they used it. -
Great London Smog
The Great London Smog that took place in 1952 triggered by both natural and anthropogenic causes, contributed to the establishment of the Clear Air Act to come into effect in The UK in 1956 -
Rachel Carson's 'Silent Spring'
Silent Spring is an environmental science book by Rachel Carson. The book was published on 27 September 1962 and it documented the adverse effects on the environment of the indiscriminate use of pesticides (DDT) -
Environmental Impact Assessment
An EIA is a report prepared before a development project to change the use of land.
They are part of the planning process that governments set out in law when large developments are considered.
In 1996 the US government passed the National Environmental Policy Act.
There is no set way of conducting an EIA, but various countries have minimum expectations of what should be included. -
US Ban for DDt
In 1967, a group of lawyers and scientists paired up and founded the Environmental defence fund and began to push a ban on the use of DDT. The EDF subsequently filed a law suit looking to specifically ban DDT. In 1971 the United States Court of Appeals requested the EPA to begin the de-registration of the pesticide, and in 1972, the ba of DDT use in the United States became official.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeJNRaE11A0 -
The Montreal Protocol
Organised by the united nations environmental program. Over 30 countries agree to cut CFC emissions by half by 2000 -
Kyoto Protocol
An international treaty among industrialized nations that sets mandatory limits on greenhouse gas emissions. -
Gothenburg Protocol
The Protocol sets national emission ceilings for 2010 up to 2020 for four pollutants. The Protocol sets tight limit values for specific emission sources (e.g. combustion plant, electricity production, dry cleaning, cars and lorries) and requires best available techniques to be used to keep emissions down. -
Montreal Protocol Target Year
UN Report : Mercury
Millennial Developmental Goals (MDG's)
MDGs was established in 2005 at the UN summit in NY. A document with three chapters was published: Freedom from Want (this was the chapter that had the 8 MDG's), Freedom from Fear, Freedom to Live in Dignity (based on the four freedoms identified by former US president Franklin Roosevelt) -
Legally Enforcing Document
Minamata Convention Born
Target Year for Millennial Developmental Goals
2015 was the target year for the 8 MDGs 8 goals. 2015 UN summit in NY redesigned the MDGs into the 17 MDGs, document published is called Agenda for Sustainable Development, target 2030 -
2030 Target Year
Target year to complete 17 MDGs