Chernobyl hdr

Environmental Disasters Timeline

  • Period: to

    Environmental Disasters

  • Hiroshima

  • Al-Hawizeh Marsh

    Starting date unknown. Lasted until the early 2000s.
  • London Smog Disaster

    Lasted until Dec. 9.
  • Minamata

    Lasted until 1963
  • Aral Sea

    Exact month and date is unknown. Still ongoing.
  • Sydney Tar Ponds

    Beginning date unknown. Lasted until 2007, when the clean-up began.
  • Torrey Canyon

  • Seveso – Dioxin Crisis

  • Amoco Cadiz

  • Love Canal

  • Three Mile Island

  • Bhopal – Union Carbide

  • Depletion of the Ozone

    The excat date the ozone depletion was dreported is not known. This is still ongoing.
  • Chernobyl

  • Piper Alpha

  • Exxon Valdez

  • Hagersville Fire

    Lasted 17 days.
  • Kuwait Fires

  • Baia Mare – Cyanide Spill

  • Walkerton Water Tragedy