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Connection #1
All three of these acts/agencies were aimed to help and protect the environment. The acts save land, animals, and nonrenewable resources that are vital to nature. Without these acts there's a big possibility that some animals and resources wouldn't be around today. -
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Connection #2
Both the National Park System and Environmental Protection Agency were formed to protect animals and plants. American ruined a lot of land while expanding across the country and the animals either had their homes taken over or were hunted/killed for human use. These acts both protect the homes and the animals themselves. -
National Park Systems
Teddy Roosevelt established many national parks throughout the U.S. between 1901 and 1909. -
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Connection #3
The EPA wanted to protect natural stream and make sure water stays clean. The Energy Policy Act helps make sure that fresh water stays fresh by advising against fracking and turning to alternative fuel use. Although the Energy Policy Act does get rid of the use of nonrenewable resources all together, it declines it and helps the EPA keep fresh water clean. -
Enviromental Protection agency
Independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment -
Energy Policy Act
Calls for the development of grant programs and tax incentives that promote alternative fuels and advanced vehicle production and use.