Environmental Achievements

  • Silent Spring Published

    Silent Spring Published
    Rachel Carson, a marine biologist, published Silent Spring. A book in which she warned against the use of pesticides, saying that they poison every food that they were intended to protect.
  • First Earth Day

    First Earth Day
    Gaylord Nelson, a senetor from Wisconsin, utilized the energy from the anti-war movement and transferred it to environmental protection. This day was celebrated for the first time with more than 20 million people participating.
  • Endangered Species Act Passed

    Endangered Species Act Passed
    A law signed by Richard Nixon that was designed to help protect critally endangered species of living beings, including plants and animals.
  • Hole in the Ozone Layer

    Hole in the Ozone Layer
    A team of British scientists reports that there is a hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctic.
  • First Condor Chick Born in Captivity

    First Condor Chick Born in Captivity
    The first condor chick is born in captivity in California, raising new hope for the species' survival.
  • 20th Anniversary of Earth Day

    20th Anniversary of Earth Day
    One hundred million people from arounf the world participate in the celebration of this holiday.
  • EPA Commits to Reducing Environmental Risks

    EPA Commits to Reducing Environmental Risks
    EPA focuses on reducing risks for all people and all types of pollution, noticing that there are many types of pollution affecting many people that the standard protection laws overlook.
  • Enivornmental Bill of Rights Delivered to Congress

    Enivornmental Bill of Rights Delivered to Congress
    A student-led campaign delivers petition signed by 1.2 million people stating that every person has the right to live in a "safe and healthy environment".
  • First Great Backyard Bird Count

    First Great Backyard Bird Count
    Audubon holds first every Great Backyard Bird Count in which 14,000 people get involved. Engages people of all expierence to learn and observe many different species of birds.
  • Hudson River Clean-Up

    Hudson River Clean-Up
    Hudson River was polluted for many years with many species that once lived in the lake, were then extinct. The Hudson River Clean-up helped to restore the lake to its previous splendor.
  • Ivory-Billed Woodpecker Re-Discovered

    Ivory-Billed Woodpecker Re-Discovered
    The Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, presumed extinct, is re-discovered in Cache-Lower White River National Wildlife Refugee in Arkansas.