Enviromental movement

Enviromental movement timeline

  • Founding of the Sierra Club

    Founding of the Sierra Club
    The sierra club was first founded by John Muir in 1892 to help conseve ecologically important areas in the united states. It now works as an organization to push America's government to have more awareness for enviromental issues today.
  • The post war period

    The post war period
    After world war 2, the United States government started to put in laws to regulate water quality across the nation
  • Period: to

    Enviromental movement

    Starting in 1948, the enviromental movement works to explore how inviromental issues affect human life and to Protect the earth’s future by promoting sustainable resources and stopping the use of greenhouse gasses. The enviromental movement is still happening today with millions of people all around the world fighing to protect our plannet for future generations.
  • Nature conservancy estabilished

    Nature conservancy estabilished
    The nature conservacy was established in washington D.C. to help protect important ecological lands and waters aroud the world
  • Silent Spring

    Silent Spring
    Rachel Carson- was a maraine biologist and author who wrote “silent spring” which was published in 1962 and is known for starting the enviromental movement in america
  • Club of Rome Founded

    Club of Rome Founded
    The club of rome was founded to gather scientists and economists to talk about and problem solve enviromental issues around the globe. They not only researched but also wrote books to inform the public on what they could do to work towards the goal.