Lacey Act
Bans trafficking in illegal wildlife and in 2008 it included plants and plant products -
Migratory Bird Act
Implemented for the protection of migratory birds between the United States and Great Britain -
Bald Eagle Protection Act
Protects Bald Eagles and their nests especially since they are endangered -
Public Health Service Act
Authorizes the HHS secretary to lead federal public health and medical response to public health emergencies -
Everglades National Park
Protects an unparalleled landscape that provides important habitat for numerous rare and endangered species -
Antarctic Treaty System
Global agreement to protect and share Antarctica -
Silent Spring published
A book published by Rachel Carson to spread awareness of the destructive power of pesticides -
Clean Air Act
Designed to control air pollution on a national level -
Wilderness Act
Protected 9.1 million acres of federal land -
Water Quality Act
Standards implemented by Congress to preserve the quality of water -
National Environmental Policy Act
One of the first laws put in place that has a national framework for environmental protection -
First Earth Day
Day of recognition and awareness of our effect on the earth -
EPA formed
The EPA was formed because of elevated concerns about environmental pollution -
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
It gives EPA the authority to control hazardous waste, this includes the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste -
Clean Water Act
First major water preservation law put into place, restricting the discharge of pollutants into the water -
DDT Banned
An insecticide/pesticide that was commonly-used for insect control till it was canceled -
U.N. Environment Programme Created
Coordinates the organization’s environmental activities and assists developing countries in implementing environmentally sound policies and practices -
World Environment Day
The UN spreads awareness and encourages the conservation of household waste under the slogan, “Only one Earth” -
OPEC Oil Embargo
During the israeli war arab members of OPEC imposed an embargo against the US in retaliation for the US decision to resupply the Israeli military -
Endangered Species Act
Law passed by congress to ban any interaction that damages small populations of species, preventing such species from going extinct -
Toxic Substances Control Act
A state law passed to regulate the introduction of new or already existing chemicals -
Alternative Energy Institute
Research branch of A&M specializing in bio friendly energy sources -
Love Canal Disaster
The abandoned canal was used as a dump for 21,800 tons of industrial hazardous waste, later harming the health of hundreds of residents -
Three Mile Island Accident
A nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania partially melted down causing slight radiation spill, it wasn’t lethal dosage but brought about increase safety and emergency response planning for future incidents -
Establishment of National Forests
Forest reserve act gives the president power to establish areas as forest reservations -
Union Carbide Plant Explosion
A gas leak caused an explosion at this pesticide plant killing 2,000 -
Chernobyl Nuclear Explosion
A nuclear accident -
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
Oil tanker off the coast of Alaska strikes the sea floor, spilling 11 million gallons of crude oil into the ocean -
Montreal Protocol
Global agreement to protect the Ozone against pollution depletion -
Gulf War Oil Spill
In an attempt to stop US forces, Iraqi troops intentionally spilled 240 million gallons of crude oil into the Persian gulf, causing one of the worst oil disasters in history -
First U.N. Earth Summit
Governments recognized the need to redirect international and national plans and policies to ensure that all economic decisions fully took into account any environmental impact -
Food Quality Protection Act
Help regulated what pesticides can be used -
Kyoto Protocol
A 192 party convention aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions -
World Food Summit
Conference in Italy to discuss solutions to worldwide malnutrition -
BP Oil Spill (Deep Horizon)
Malfunctioned oil rig combusts, killing 11 people and spilling 100 million gallons of oil into the mexican gulf