
  • 100 BCE

    Ancient Shamanism Beginnings

    Entheogens have been used in many religions since ancient times though there is no documented time of first use though it can be assumed to be somewhere BC hence this starting date.
  • 1000

    Shamanism uses

    Entheogens are notably used in different versions of Shamanism as a way of achieving transcendence or to reach other metaphysical realms. There often used to send a user into a trance in order to bridge the gap to reach these worlds. Different chemicals are used all around the world from Mongolia to Indigenous North Americans. Often the side effects whilst they are dangerous are played down as effects of such transcendence.
  • What is an Entheogen

    The term Entheogen was coined in 1979. A Entheogen is a psychoactive substance used to incite hallucinations or to influence mood, behavior or cognitive ability. Entheogen is a broad term that is used to cover the drugs used by many religions as well about the commercial illegal drugs with similar effects.
  • Altai People

    The Altai republic is a corner of what is technically Russian that is wedged against Mongolia and Kazakhstan. Considered nomadic people, the Altaians have a unique culture that is a blend of the surrounding countries. They share many similarities with Mongolia including with their language and music. Most notably this region has remained relatively unchanged over the last century meaning much of the culture and lifestyle remains the same.
  • Altaian Uses

    A notable feature of the Altai people is there religion. Many follow Buddhism but recently there has been a resurgence in Shamanism after it suffered religious persecution and suppression during the time of the Soviet Union. With this resurgence of Shamanism comes a resurgence in the use of Entheogens. Today the Altai region is one of the few places where rituals involving Entheogens are still practiced.
  • Why don't we know much?

    Because of the isolation of the region, many of the Altai Shamanistic rituals remain unknown or undocumented. It is partly for this reason that the region has been able to remain relatively unchanged and why such rituals using Entheogens are still practiced. Furthermore, many countries have deemed such rituals illegal as they are using illegal hallucinogenic drugs.