Ad trends entertainment marketing

Entertainment marketing

  • Introduction of outdoor entertainment

    Introduction of outdoor entertainment
    Introduction of outdoor entertainment including bowling, primitive amusement rides, music and dancing.
  • Development of recording of sound

    Development of recording of sound
    Development of recording of sound on motion picture film.
  • The first commercial radio stations

    The first commercial radio stations
    The first commercial radio stations with regularly scheduled broadcasts were heard.
  • NBC

    RCA establishes the National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
  • First electronic television picture

    First electronic television picture
    Farnsworth transmits first electronic television picture; receives patent.
  • CBS

    The Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) was founded.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Approximately three-fourths of amusement parks close. The Stock Market Crash leads to the Great Depression.
  • First television is sold.

    First television is sold.
    First television is sold.
  • 1,000,000 homes.

    1,000,000 homes.
    Televisions are in over 1,000,000 homes.
  • Color television

    Color television
    Color television is introduced.
  • The first national theme park

    The first national theme park
    Disneyland in Anaheim, California opens costing $17 million to build. The first national theme park drew 3.8 million visitors the first season.
  • Over 100 million television sets

    Over 100 million television sets
    Over 100 million television sets can be found in homes around the world.
  • First Six Flags

    First Six Flags
    First Six Flags opens in Texas, the first regional theme park.
  • $375 million

    $375 million
    The Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida opens costing nearly $375 million to build.
  • First news network

    First news network
    CNN is launched by Turner Cable Network. It is the first all news network.
  • Married on international television

    Married on international television
    Prince Charles and Diana Spencer are married on international television
  • The first IBM-Personal Computer

    The first IBM-Personal Computer
    The first IBM-Personal Computers (PC’s) are available for retail.
  • MTV

    Music Television (MTV) debuts.
  • Thriller

    Michael Jackson's "Thriller" sells 20 million albums to become the largest selling record ever
  • The first compact disc

    The first compact disc
    The first compact disc is released.
  • Nintendo

    Nintendo home entertainment system is introduced.
  • Time and Warner

    Time and Warner
    Time and Warner merge to become Time Warner Inc.
  • WebCast

    First television program delivered via the Internet (webcast).