Jan 1, 1550
The Age of Absolutism
This is a time period where all of Europe was controlled by Absolute Monarchies. A King/Queen that had all of the power in government and over the lives of people in their city or kingdom. Started in the 1500's and went into the mid 1700's when Enlightment Thinkers began challenging the monarchs starting a revolution. -
Period: Jan 1, 1550 to
The Enlightment Age and American Revolution
The Start of The Enlightment Era
This is the beginning of the Enlightment Era. The movement toward a way of thinking which reflects on the personal rights of the individual. Enlightment thinkers rebelled to following tradition, power, or church teachings. -
Key Ideas of Enlightment Ideas
Enlightment thinkers believed they could better the world by reshaping it. Individuals during this period were thought to be evil, or bad and were in need of the church and government to keep them in check and tell them what to do with out their thoughts or feelings. -
Social Contract
Government and citizens enter a relationship where each party was held responsible through maintaining their obligation. If one did not take care of their responsibilities, there were bad results. -
Wrote The Social Contract. Believed the people should elect the government to be protected by the government. -
Natural Laws
Enlightment Thinkers believed the world worked on fixed principals, "Natural Laws" that could be discovered. -
Fought the slave trade and religious prejudice with his writings. -
Adam Smith
Believed in "Laissez-fair", which meant "Let things be/government hands off."- Market Economy could be ran without the government being involved- Supply & Demand. -
Mary Wollstonecraft
Wrote, "A Vindication of Rights of Woman" which argued for equal rights for men and women. -
John Locke: Age of Enlightment
John Locke: Enlightment Thinker, who's philosophy helped shape the Declaration of Independence, made July 4th, 1776. -
Industrial Revolution *1820-1870
The industrial revolution was a period of time where new technologies and industrial expansion were created. Men, women and children were put to work. People benefitted by getting jobs, being able to provide for there familes. But working in those factories were dangerous and shorten the workers lives because of the dangeous fumes they were constantly inhaling. During the industrial revolution, the middle, working class emerged, People of this class were still poor, and lived bad conditions. -
About Impressionism
55 artist held the first independent group show of Impressionist art. The French Salon rejected the Impressionism style. A critic named Louis Leroy, coined the label "Impressionist." The name was accepted, the art itself was not. -
WWI (World War I) *1914-1918
WWI was a war that involved two alliances. France, England, & Russia - Italy, Germany & Austria-Hungary. It started because of the assassination of a prince, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. Assassinated by a man named Gavrilo Princip, this cause the emperor of Austria-Hungary to declare war. In the end, a U.S. ship with innocent people was attacked, so U.S. Troops came in and helped beat the France, England, & Russia. Thus, winning the war. -
Libya Revolution
In Feburary, 2011 Libyan people started an Anti-Gaddafi uprising. Gaddafi orders the arrest of human right protestors which starts a violent protest by Libyan peole. Gaddafi orders aircraft to attack protesters. In August, rebels swarm Gaddafi's fortress compound. Gaddafi goes into hiding, then two months later is found and killed.It ends in October, 2012 when a new government is put and place and they have their first free-election. -
Syrian Revolution
Started with the Tunisian revolution reaching Syria on March 15, 2011. Residence of a small southern city started protesting because students were being tortured for putting up anti-government graffiti. The government used lethal force and examples were made quickly across the country. President Bashar al-Assad was in charge of Syria. Students protested against him because they wanted a different, better government. They felt they had no rights, so the only way to make things better is change. -
Imperialism *1870
Imperialism was the period of time where nations were in a race to become the biggest, most powerful nation of all. Through political, economical, or cultural life. The industrial revolution made it easier for these countries to do this because they were using the industry to take over other countries because of it's economy. Imperialism was possible because the industrial revolution made advances in:
Science & Technology, Industry, communication and Transportation.