Hobbes Publishes Leviathan
This was during the 17th century,this was a time where arguments were in favor of monarchic system of government. Argued for a small central government.This played a small part in fueling the Royal resistance. Culminated in the English Civil Wars, led being executed and a republic being declared. "Hobbes:Moral and Political Philosophy: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.Montreal:Mcgill Queens University Press.2007" -
Locke publishes Two treatises on Government
In December 1689 there were arguments to Anitiate principles and ideas largely prevailed. There were senseless arguments, until concluding party no government can be justified by appeal to the Devine rocks. Plato.Stanford.edu/entries/Locke/influence.html -
Beccaria published on crimes and punishments
During 1764 a treatise, written; condemned torture and Death penalty This impacted history because it was a time of severe punishment; so that book tried to abolish it. www.theAnertimes.com/Ancient-history/crime-and-punishment-in-the-middle-ages.html -
Rousseau published The Social Contract, Emile. Attempt to unite the liberty of the individual with the authority of the government. Emile was important for education.
Was during 1750 and it was the moral effects and the arts and sciences. This time was also when a man is born free, is everywhere in chains and challenged the traditional order of society. Impacted history because it had a modern moral and a political theory. Www.iep.utm.edu/six-cont -
Montesquieu published The Spirit of the Laws
This was a treatise on the political theory first published anonymously. It was published in 1748 in english in 1750. The impacts it had on history was it created seperation of powers and checks and balances. Classrooms.synonym.com/ways-did-baron-de-montesquie-influence-constitutuion-united-states