Enlightenment period

By Livgo
  • Thomas Hobbes expressed his views in a work called Leviathan

    Thomas Hobbes expressed his views in a work called Leviathan
    All humans are wicked and selfish..war on every man against everyman. Life is poor, brutal nasty and very short
  • John Locke's views

    John Locke's views
    "... John Locke held a different... view of human nature. He believed that people could learn from experience and improve themselves. As reasonable beings, they had ... the ability to govern their own affairs and ... the welfare of society.. criticized absolute monarchy and favored the idea of self-government."
  • Voltaire views

    Voltaire views
    "Voltaire often used satire against his opponents. He made frequent targets of the clergy, the aristocracy, and the government."
  • Montesquieu

    "Montesquieu believed that Britain was the best-governed
    country of his own day. Montesquieu called this division of power among different branches separation of powers."
  • philosopher, Jean Jacques Rousseau

    philosopher, Jean Jacques Rousseau
    "...passionately committed to individual freedom...that civilization corrupted people’s natural goodness. “Man is born
    free, and everywhere he is in chains,”
  • Cesare Bonesana Beccaria

    Cesare Bonesana Beccaria
    "He believed that
    laws existed to preserve social order, not to avenge crimes."
  • Mary Wollstonecraft

    Mary Wollstonecraft
    "published an essay called A Vindication of the Rights of Woman in 1792. In the essay, she disagreed with Rousseau that women’s education should be secondary to men’s. Rather, she argued that women, like men, need education to become virtuous and useful."
  • Mary Astell

    Mary Astell
    "Her book addressed the lack of educational opportunities
    for women..to criticize the unequal relationship between men
    and women in marriage.She wrote, “If absolute sovereignty be not necessary in a state, how comes it to be so in a family? . . . If all men are born free, how is it that all women are born slaves?”