Enlightenment & French Revolution

  • May 5th, 1789 Meeting with the Estates General

    The Estates General met to address the economic situation of the kingdom. They ended up dividing on the issue of voting because nobody could agree on how people should vote. It marked the beginning of the French Revolution.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    French citizens that were angry rebelled against the soldiers and attacked the Bastille. The place surrendered after the cannons were aimed at the gate. This event showed that a group of people could challenge a monarchy and overpower it.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    It was a dramatic act of defiance, by the non privileged classes of the French nation, at the French Revolution. It was an oath that swore to never stop meeting until the constitution had been established. It represented the power to the people.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    A document that established a group of human rights universally that applied to all people all the time. It said everyone was equal, freedoms were protected, the government was run by elected individuals, and taxes were to be paid by everyone. Property was also an important right that cannot just be taken away, was added to this declaration.
  • Women's March on Versailles

    It was an uprising of women in the Paris marketplace that marched the Palace of Versailles demanding reforms, it was spontaneous, meaning something like this was not thought to happen. It was a reaction to the prices of food scarcity, anti-revolutionary actions, and bread. They thought the king should accompany the marchers back to Paris to see the dangers of his people.
  • Execution of King Louis XVI

    King Louis XVI was beheaded by the guillotine at the Place de la Révolution in Paris. The king was found guilty of high treason, that is why he was beheaded. It marked the end of the Ancien Régime.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    It was a thrilling period of state-sanctioned violence. It saw the public executions and mass killings of thousands of people of counter-revolutionary 'suspects'. It was a time of remorseless repression and bloodshed.
  • Maximilien Robespierre's execution

    It was held at the Place de la Révolution. Robespierre was arrested on July 27, 1794 and executed by a guillotine the next day. He was executed at the age of 36 years old.
  • Napoleonic Code is established

    Also known as the Civil Code of 1804, was the result of major revision of France's legal system. It was a code that was outdated and confusing during the time it was used. It was established by Napoleon Bonaparte, and he wanted a single set of laws that were to be applied to all citizens of France.
  • Napoleon Crowns himself emperor

    Napoleon crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I at Notre Dame de Paris. He took the crown from Pope Pius VII hands and crowned himself. He gave an oath that guaranteed the preservation of gains to the Revolution.
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    Peninsular War

    The British Army fought the war in the Iberian Peninsula against the invasion of Napoleon's French people.
  • Napoleon and his men march on Russia

    When Napoleon's people started to march and invade Russia. They had to stop and it resulted in Napoleon's first exile to the Mediterranean island of Elba.
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

    Napoleon was exiled to Elba after his defeat at the Battle of Lipsia. It was after the signing of the Treaty of Fontainebleau. He plotted his escape and eventually succeeded.
  • Napoleon dies

    Napoleon Bonaparte died at the age of 51 years old. At the Longwood House, Longwood, Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha. The autopsy on his death was concluded that he died from stomach cancer, worsening by bleeding gastric ulcers.