Montesquieu publishes book, On the Spirit of Laws
Baron de Montesquieu, a philosophe, publishes a book that oultines his idea of seperation of powers in government. Montesquieu's idea of checks and balances goes on to influence the ideas in the United States Constitution. -
America Declares Independence
With the unfair tax laws put on North American colonists to reimburse the debt from the French and Indian War. The colonists are very angry at the British. A fight breaks out at Lexington between the two. In 1776, Thomas Jefferson writes the Decleration of Independence. -
French Revolution
King Louis XVI calls an Estates-General meeting between all three estates. They did this to vote on a new tax act that makes up for some of the debts created by King Louis and his wife. The Third Estate to creates the National Assembly that ends the absolute monarchy and the start of a of new France. -
Napoleon overthrows the Directory through a coup d’etat
The French government was losing control of the French people. Napoleon comes back from a battle of Egypt and his friends suggesting for him to take up a government system. Napoleon takes action. Napoleon's men lead the meeting to vote to abolish the Directory, as the ruler. -
Haiti wins freedom from France
Toussaint L'Ouverture takes control of Haiti and frees the nearly 500,000 slaves working there in 1801. The French go into Haiti and send L'Ouverture to a prison in the French Alps. Jean-Jacques Dessalines follows L'Overture in the fight against the French, and declares Haiti independent. -
Napoleon crowns himself emperor, begins to create a vast European Empire
Napoleon part of a three man group as leaders wants to be all out leader. The pope is going through the ceremony as crowning Napoleon and then he takes the crown out of his hands and puts it on his head. This represented that he was taking over the country of France. -
Padre Hidalgo calls for Mexican Independence
Padre Miguel Hidalgo, beleiving in Enlightenment ideas, rings the church bells and asks people to gather and revolt. He starts a march of Indian and mestizos towards Mexico City, they seeked freedom. -
Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo
Napoleon marches on the village of Waterloo where the British are defending. The British are able to hold them off until the Prussians come and defeat the French. This is Napoleon's last defeat before he was sent off and dennounced as leader.