Period: 1543 to
Scientific Revolution
The Scientific Revolution not only led to many scientific discoveries, it also introduced the Scientific Method and changed the way of thinking for everyone, especially in the case of science and the natural laws of the world -
Period: 1556 to
Influenced by the Scientific Revolution, it was a movement that changed the way people thought about everything, especially their government and political identity -
Galileo Galilei supports the heliocentric theory
Galileo supporting this theory gave it some credibility and with a great scientist beginning to look into the theory, he found some really good proof and began to kick off the Scientific Revolution -
Period: to
English Civil War
A series of civil wars in England between the Parliamentarians and the Royalist about how the government should work and also regarding the issues of religious freedom -
Hobbes’s Leviathan is published
This was a book about the Social Contract and it had a huge influence on the Enlightenment ideal of Social Contract and it strengthened the idea for many people reading it. -
Glorious Revolution
A revolution in England that took 1 year to overthrow the Catholic king James II -
Locke’s Two Treatises on Government is published
Using many ideals from the Enlightenment, Locke goes over the idea that the government should be limited and that people live in society to protect their rights. This document and the ideas in it inspired revolutions and changes in political identity -
Period: to
Louis XVI’s reign
Louis XVI was a young man when he became King, and in all honesty he was an idiot. He didn't know what he was doing and many people of France hated him for this. He didn't care about the people, he wasted money, he put himself in debt, and ruined France's whole economy -
Diderot Publishes First Volumes of Encyclopedia
Diderot published this encyclopedia to gather all available knowledge and use it to advance society -
Period: to
American Revolution
America's path to become independent. Many events during this influenced French people and encouraged them to help their own revolution -
Lexington and Concord
The battles in Lexington and Concord were the first battles to actually be fought between militaries in the American Revolution -
Declaration of Independence
After declaring America independant in the American Revolution, it also inspired the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizens in the French Revolution -
National Assembly is formed in France
This was the main government during the first part of the French Revolution. They guided France during the Revolution. -
Tennis Court Oath
This was the main starting point of the French Revolution. This is when the Third Estate declared they would get their rights. -
Declaration of Rights of Man
This was a very important revolutionary document about the rights that people had, which were gonna be given to them under a new government. This made people excited they would get them but also angry that they didn't have them already -
Legislative Assembly is formed in France
The Legislative Assembly was the law making group in France. It was very short-lived and soon after, people's ideas changed and they wanted to get rid of the monarchy altogether and not have a constitutional monarchy -
Bill of Rights signed
Early enough in the American Revolution, the Bill of Rights, which had a list of American rights, was signed to be put into action as the law. It ended up acting as the first 10 amendments of the Constitution -
Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women is published
One of the earliest works of feminism, Wollstonecraft argues in it that women should get equal education and are also human beings so should be treated that way -
Execution of Louis XVI
After being a terrible leader and a traitor, people were very angry and executed him. This shows how violent they were. -
Period: to
Reign of Terror
When France was becoming very paranoid, violent, and excited about revolution, Robespierre began to take lead (he became similar to a dictator) and he went around ordering anyone who was slightly suspected of being a traitor to be executed. This brought France into a time of fear -
Execution of Marie Antoinette
The people especially hated Marie because she was a foreigner and she wasted a lot of France's money on things that were only for her enjoyment. -
Napoleon’s coup
When Napoleon put his coup d'etat into action, he overthrew the government system and substituted the Consulate. This ended the French Revolution