Montesquieu publishes book, On the Spirit of Laws
He created the seperation of powers. In his book he proposed the seperation of powers would keep any indiviidual or a group from gaining complete control of the government. He wrote that ""power should be a check to the power" this is later reffered to as checks and ballances. -
America declares independence
the second Continental Congress issued the Declaration of Independence. This document was written by political leader, Thomas Jefferson. The document stated that all men are created equal and that they have unailable rights and among these are "life liberty, and the persuit of happiness." The americans had a greater urge to win against the british and this led them to becoming independent. -
French Revolution
There was a growing resentment growing among the lower classes of france, and this contributed to the building up idea of a revolution in france. New views about power and authority in governemnt were spreading throughout Frances third estate. The memebers of the third estate were inspired by the sucess of the American Revolution. Weak leaders like Marie antoinette and Louix XVI who were knee deep in debt also led to an anger throughout france. This all combined led to a revolution in france. -
Napoleon overthrows the Directory through a coup d’etat
Lawmakers who remained voted to abolish the Directory and they established a group made up of 3 consoles; one of which was Napoleon. Napoleon quickly took the title of the first console, and assumed the powers of a dicator. he sezied all the power, a coup d'etat. -
Napoleon crowns himself emperor, begins to create a vast European Empire
Napoloen decided to make himself emporor of france, and the french voters supoorted him. He placed the crown on his own head, ignoring the ritual that was supposed to be done by the pope and crowned himself emperor. he wanted to the control the rest of europe, and most of Europe ended up beiing under his control with the acception of Britain, Portugal, Sweden, and the Ottoman Empire. -
Haiti wins freedom from France
While the french revolution was taking place, the opressed people in the French Colony of Haiti Rose up. 100,000 African slaves rose in revolt led by toussant L'ouvature. toussaint died, and his lieuntenant, Jea Jacques Dassalines took up his job. He declared the colony an independent country. It was the first black colony to free itself from Europeon control. -
Padre Hidalgo calls for Mexican Independence
Hidalgo was a priest in the small village of Dolores. he beleived in the enlightenment ideas. he rang the bells of his village church and when all the poeple were gathered in the church, he called for rebellion against the spanish. This is now known as the Grito De Dolores. Hidalgos indian and mestizo followers began to march toward Mexico city. His army reached over 80,000 men. -
Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo
Napoleon fought the British army near the village of Waterloo in Belgium. The prussian army joined the British forces and they together attacked the French. Two days later, the tired troops gave up and the british and Prussian forces chased Napoloen and his crew away.