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Enlightenment and Nationalist Revolutions

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    Enlightenment and Nationalist Revolutions

  • Montesquieu writes "On the Spirit of Laws"

    Montesquieu writes "On the Spirit of Laws"
    Baron de Montesquieu writes the book "On the spirit of Laws," an influential political book that was focused on separation of powers, an idea to limit each part of the government total control. His thoights will prompt the USA to write a constitution based on separation of powers.
  • America Declares Independance from Britain

    America Declares Independance from Britain
    After nearly a year of fighting between the American colonists and Britain, the Declaration of Independance is drafted and signed at the Second Continental Congress. Written by Thomas Jefferson, the document states how the king had treated the colonsists, which were reasons to break away from England's rule.
  • The French Revolution Begins

    The French Revolution Begins
    The third estate (consisting of French common folk), decide to overthrow the unfair government set in place. Their anger is sparked by food shortages, and an ineffective system of democracy, which is unfair to the 97% of France, but not to the Church and the nobles. This uprising will lead to ten years of unstable government in France
  • Napoleon Overthrows the Directory

    Napoleon Overthrows the Directory
    After serving on the directory, Napoleon overthrows the Directory with a Coup D'état. He created a consul, of him and two other men. He changes the laws of France, enforcing the Napoleonic code, which takes away freedoms of speech, press, and assembly.
  • Napoleon becomes Emperor of France

    Napoleon becomes Emperor of France
    Napoleon makes an agreement with Pope Pius VII to have him be crowned emperor. During his crowning at Notre Dame, Napoleon broke tradition and took the crown from the pope, and placed it upon his own head.
  • Haiti Wins Independence from France

    Haiti Wins Independence from France
    On the island of Saint Domingue, the first and only slave uprising is a success, thanks to Toussaint L'Overature and Jean-Jacques Descalines. A new country, Haiti, is born and becomes the world's first black colony to gain independence
  • Padre Hidalgo Calls for Mexican Independence

    Padre Hidalgo Calls for Mexican Independence
    Padre Miguel Hidlago, from a small town of Dolores, issued a call for Independence from spain, the "Grito de Dolores." Hidalgo's troops of mestizos and indians march to Mexico City the next day.
  • Napoleon is Defeated in Waterloo

    Napoleon is Defeated in Waterloo
    After only one hundred days of banishment to Elba, Napoleon returns to France to fight the coalition once more. He marches to Waterloo, Belgium, to meet British and Prussian soldiers, and his end.