Enlightenment and French revolution

  • June 20th, 1789 tennis court oath

    June 20th, 1789 tennis court oath
    National assembly that swore not to stop meeting until france had a constituion
  • May 5th, 1789 Meeting with the estates general

    May 5th, 1789 Meeting with the estates general
    It was a gathering between the 3 major faction of france the nobility, commoners, and peasants. It was held versailles. It was considered to be the starting of the french revolutions.
  • July 14th, 1789 Siege of Bastille

    July 14th, 1789 Siege of Bastille
    Civilians stormed the specific bastille. They were hungry due to a lack of food and stormed the castle for rations.
  • August 20, 1789 Declaration of the rights of men

    August 20, 1789 Declaration of the rights of men
    It was inspired by america's declaration. It was formed on AUgust 20th to have french people have a preamble to the constitution. It was written by the french's nation assembly.
  • October 5th, 1789 Women's March on Versailles

     October 5th, 1789 Women's March on Versailles
    Women marched throughout versailles on a spontaneous riot. THey were rioting about the scaricty and rareness of bread( .005 drop rate% ). They marched from Paris to Versailles
  • January 21st, 1793 Execution of King Louie the XVI

    January 21st, 1793 Execution of King Louie the XVI
    King Louie XVI was beheaded. For his part in the french revolution he caused the high prices.
  • Period: to

    Sep 5, 1793- July 27th 1793 - Reign of terror

    It was a series of numerous public executions and public massacres.This was all brought about by the revolution.
  • July 27, 1794 - Maximilien Robespierre's execution

    July 27, 1794 - Maximilien Robespierre's execution
    His group and himself were brought to Place de la Revolution. They were all executed in front of a roaring crowd.
  • March 21, 1804 - Napoleonic Code is established

    March 21, 1804 - Napoleonic Code is established
    A civil french code was established. It was the main influence on the 19th- century civil code of most countries.