Enlightenment and French Revolution

  • May 5th 1789 Meeting With Estates General

    The Meeting with estates general took place in Versailles, France. The meeting addressed the country's political and financial crisis. It was made to discuss new grievances and decide on new reforms and taxes.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    The national assembly swore to have meetings until France was granted a constitution. This was a threat to the power of the monarch. France was in a drought causing poor financial state as well as causing them to be outnumbered.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    The Bastille was a fortress in Paris, France. The storming proved the people of France had the power to challenge monarchy. The Paris mob was in poor condition due to the king's and governments lack of care, and as a result stormed the Bastille.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The Declaration of the Rights of Man is a document from the French Revolution that was written because the French people needed to establish the basic human rights of French citizens due to the ignorance and neglect fullness of their government. The document was drafted by Marquis de Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson, and the final version was written by Emanuel Joseph sieyès and the Compte du Mirabeau, and signed in Paris, France.
  • Women's march on versailles

    The Women's march was a riot that marched from Versailles to Paris. They marched because of food shortages, rumors, and fear of famine. The women and allies grew into a crowd of thousands and ransacked the city armouries. This was a major turning point in the French Revolution.
  • Execution of Louis XVI

    Louis XVI was publicly executed in Paris via guillotine, for treason, because he refused to give up his power to the people of the revolutionary government.
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

    Was a period of time during the French Revolution of Violence during the incited by conflict between two rival political factions. It took place all over France centered in Paris, because of widespread fear and political instability.
  • Maximilien Robespierre's execution

    Maximilian was executed via guillotine at the Place de la Révolution in Paris, France, because of his increasingly radical and violent leadership during the French Revolution's Reign of terror. Many people saw him as a dangerous tyrant.
  • Napeolenic Code Established

    The Napeolenic Code was known as the Civil Code of 1804, it was created by Napoleon Bonaparte. The code was made in france because of enlightenment ideas and it was made to reform the country´s legal system.
  • Napoleon Crowns himself emperor

    Napoleon Crowned himself Emperor to show his dominance over France. Napoleon took the crown at the Notre Dame Cathedral. He took it to show his power.
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    Peninsular War

    This war was the military conflict fought Iberian Peninsula by Portugal. This war was between a couple sides, one of the being the First French Empire. The war happen due to Napoleon´s desire to control Spain.
  • Napoleon and his men march on Russia

    Napoleon and his men in his quest for Liberating Poland, Napoleon crossed the Neman river, invading Russia from modern day Poland. Russian troops refused to engage, and the result was 500,000 casualties for the french mostly from disease and weather.
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

    Napoleon Exiled by the Treaty of Fontainebleau, signed after the Battle of Lipsia. Napoleon was forced to accept a new empire. Ended Napoleon's reign and go to Elba.
  • Napoleon dies

    Napoleon dies of stomach cancer, exacerbated by bleeding gastric ulcers. After a dose of calomel(mercury.) He died on Longwood on the island of saint Helena at 51 years old.