Dec 24, 1300
During the period of the Renaissance, explores from Europe traveled to Africa, the Americas ad Asia. This gave the European explores the idea that there may be more truths, new ideas to be found. -
Dec 24, 1400
Making Life Easier
In addition to the printing press, more new inventions were created. The invention of things that help explores determine their location while at sea or new mathematic tools made it easier for explores to navigate, thus giving easier access to exploration and travel. -
Dec 24, 1440
Word Spreads
In 1440 the printing press was invented. The invention of the printing press was revolutionary, it allowed and aided the spread of new ideas and gave access to education. -
Jun 18, 1550
The Start
A change in European thought, scholars published works that challenged the ancient thinking and the church. -
Period: to
Women In The Enlightenment
While the enlightenment was booming with new innovative ideas and new found self worth women were still thought of as lesser. Rousseau developed many new innovative ideas towards education; however, he still believed women should only be educated to the extent of just being a good wife or mother. -
Period: to
Women In The Enlightenment Part Two
The women of the enlightenment were hungry for the new found knowledge too and wanted to fight for their right. Women such as Mary Astell and Mary Wollstonecraft were influential in this movement. Wollstonecraft challenged women to enter male dominated fields like politics and medicine and Astell wrote books that challenged the idea of more education for women. Women also shared ideas at social gatherings called salons. -
New Innovative Ideas
In 1714 the mercury thermometer was invented by Gabriel Fahrenheit. A possible Mercury Thermometer advertisement:
"Here ye, here ye! Does thou ever want to knowith the temperature exactly? Well, the new mercury thermometer uses new innovative scientific revolution technology to contain mercury in glass! The product in for thou from highest noble to lowest peasant! Let all be known the temperature! Available at thou's nearest apothecary!"