enilemiT noituloveR lairtsudnI

  • Smelting of iron

    In 1709 Abraham Darby found a way to smelt iron. Darby put iron ore and coke in a blast furnace at very high temperatures with air. Then the smelted iron was put into an iron cast to form the desired shape.
  • First bridge made of cast iron

    1. The use of molds allowed more consistency in iron parts and increased production of iron components. The town neighboring Coalbrookdale, still take pride in their bridge.
  • Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to mainland Europe

    Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to mainland Europe
    1800. The same set of locational criteria for industrial zones applied when diffusion to Europe, which are: proximity to coal fields and connection via water to a port.
  • Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to mainland Europe

    1. The same set of locational criteria for industrial zones applied when diffusion to Europe, which are: proximity to coal fields and connection via water to a port.
  • First crossing of the Atlantic by a steam-powered vessel

    1. Ocean shipping also entered a new age, Great Britain Britain enjoyed even greater advantages over the rest of the world than it did at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution with steam ship.
  • Connection of Manchester to the rail network

    1. (center of textile manufacturing). Thousands of miles of iron and then steel track were laid.
  • Period: to

    Emergence of Fordist production

    1945-1970. Mass-production assembly line pioneered by Henry Ford, which allowed for the inexpensive production of consumer goods at a single site on a previously unknown
  • Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to North America.

    Beginning of 20th (1950) century. North America,benefited from the ability of its com-
    panies to acquire needed raw materials from overseas sources.
  • Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to Russia/Ukraine

    !950. St. Petersburg region is one of Russia’s oldest manufacturing centers. soon attracted industries including shipbuilding, chemical production, food processing, and textile making.
  • Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution to East Asia

    1. Dependence on raw materials. Japan colonized Korea and China and became one of the largest industrialized areas.