English Timeline

By jeke
  • Period: 400 to 1100

    Old English

    Modor is mother is old English.
  • 449

    Angles and Saxons First Arrive in Britain

  • 725

    Beowulf was composed

    Beowulf was composed
  • 787

    Viking Invasions Begin

  • 1016

    Cnut Becomes King of England

  • 1071

    The Norman Invasion

    Went on from 1066 to 1071
  • 1085

    The Domesday Book Is Completed

  • 1095

    The First Crusade Is Decreed

    The First Crusade Is Decreed
  • Period: 1100 to 1400

    Middle English

    Dogge is dog in middle English
  • 1170

    Thomas Becket Is Murdered

  • 1400

    The Canterbury Tales

    24 stories in middle English written in 1387 to 1400
  • Period: 1400 to

    Modern English

    There is nothing moves my charity like gratitude; and when a beggar's thankful for a small relief, I always repent it was not more. This is the first sentence in chapter 7 of "Dorothy Osborne's Letters" it is an example of early middle English.
    An example of modern English is father which was fadir in middle english
  • 1436

    The Invention of the Printing Press

    The Invention of the Printing Press
  • 1497

    The Discovery of North America

  • Publication of Shakespeare's First Folio

    Publication of Shakespeare's First Folio
  • The American Revolution

    It went on from 1765 to 1791
  • The First Orbital Spaceflight of NASA's Space Shuttle Program

  • Mars Pathfinder Landed on Mars

  • The Bombing of The Twin Towers