English timeline

By aizzo
  • ABC piano

    ABC piano
    the very first toy that I remember playing with as a kid was a piano with letters, shapes, colors and numbers. Each key would have a different element pasted on it. Whenever I was to press a key, the piano would sing each element that the key consisted of.
  • Flashcards

    As soon as kindergarten started, my mom loved quizzing me with flashcards. Whenever I would have a vocabulary test or needed help remembering something, she would write out flashcards. Everywhere we went she brought them with her. In the car on the way to a doctors appointments or even soccer practice, she would whip out the cards for me to study.
  • books

    In first and second grade, I began to really enjoy reading books. It started off with black and white paper books that the teacher handed out for small assignments. Then I started reading Amelia Bedelia books. I´m pretty sure that I read every single book made about her.
  • Writing

    third and fourth grade is when I started to love writing. I remember writing a research paper about the lifestyle of a hamster and butterfly. Then in fourth grade, I wrote about a natural disaster. I enjoyed having to search for the information and then incourporating it into my writing. Also in fourth grade, I began to get more creative with my stories. I wrote lots of fictional books with my favorite being a story about missing a plane flight. I remember being proud of my work.
  • Spelling B

    Spelling B
    In 5th grade, there was a spelling B where if you beat everyone in your class, you would move on to the next round. The winners of all classes gather in the auditorium to compete. I prepared by making my parents and siblings throw random words out for me to spell. I was so nervous that day but when it was my turn I did not hesitate. i ended up winning in my class but was too nervous to stand up in front of the school to compete. The second place winner went instead.
  • The fall

    The fall
    I had a tough time in 6th grade English class. I´m not exactly sure why, but this year was the only year where I had a hard time learning. I felt as though it was hard to focus and comprehend what I was reading. Up to this point I have never gotten a B but this was the class were it finally happened. I began to get discouraged and not feel motivated at all. This is when I began to dislike reading.
  • The bounce back

    The bounce back
    I went through 7th grade with the same mindset that I gained from the year before. I made it through the year with good grades but I never truly enjoyed the class. Then 8th grade came and I loved my teacher. She made every assignment fun which made me love reading and writing again. I read the whole hunger games series throughout the year.
  • Today

    throughout high school, I found it harder to find books that I enjoy reading. Since I always take hard classes and play sports year round, I never really had the chance to read any books. This year,
    i´m really happy that you are allowing us time in class to read. I hope this will allow me to love reading again.