English Timeline by Amila Besic

  • Calcutta

    -Queen Elizabeth I started the East India Company in 1600 to develop trade between Britain and India.
    -English quickly became a much spoken language
    -Indian people thought that if they learned English a new world would open up to them. They would be able to read English books and experience English culture.
    -Hobson Jobson
    -Helped create two new languages Binglish and Hinglish.
  • The Triangle Trade

    The Triangle Trade
    -Maid slavery easier to stansport into "the new world"(the new world referred to America)
    -The effect the English language had on the other countries with the help of the triangel trade was that it was spered out alot in most parts of the world cus the traiding was in form of english.
    -Creole is in fact it is an English dialect.
  • The first fleet arived to Australia

    The first fleet arived to Australia
    -Convicts from mostly England but also (America,France and Africa) were sent to Australia as a punishment for there crimes.
    -Many people hoped for new lives in the new colonies.
    -More people started talking english.
    -Many people from england lost there british accents which resulted in variations in accent and use of words across Australia.
    -New words were created that Australian people still use today, like billy(boilling water), tucker(food),pommie,mate.