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English Timeline

  • 1500

    European Settlers

    French, Britsh, Fur Trade, Eastern "Canada", Death by diease, First Nations
  • Seven Years War

    British Vs. French
  • Seven Years War Ends

  • Royal Proclamation

  • Destruction of Bison

    From 30 million bison to 1000 bison. Affected the lifestyle of Indegious People
  • Reserve System

  • Mohawk Residential School

  • Gradual Civilization Act

  • Confederation

  • Gradual Enfranchisement Act

  • Period: to

    Numbered Treaties

  • Indian Act

    First Nations Only
  • Period: to

    CPR Railway

  • Residential School Systems

    Residential School System is establish for First Nations
  • Cultural gathers, ceremonies and belongings are blocked

  • Agreement b/w Government and Churches

    Canadian Govt. and Churches work together to run residental schools
  • Dr. Bryce

    Dr.Bryce conducts a report of the harch realities of resdiental schools for govmenremnt, gets fired.
  • Residential School becomes mandatory

    Residentail School becomes mandoratoy for all First Nations children up to age 16
  • Period: to

    World War 2

  • Residential Schools for Inuit

  • Canada selectively ratifies UN convention

  • Voting rights

    Indegious people have the right to vote
  • Civil Right Movements

    Residential Schools Start Closing
  • 60's Scoop

    Indegous Children in forster care. Adopt them out to white Canadians
  • White Paper

    Pierre Eliott Trudeau
  • "Red Paper"

  • Period: to

    Churches Start Apologizing

    For involement in Reseindtail Schools
  • RCAP

    Royal Commission on Indigenous People
  • RCAP Releases Report

    Last Residential School Closes
  • Creation of Nunavut

  • Survivors of IRS launches lawsuit

    IRS: Indigenous Residential Schools
  • Lawsuit Settled

  • Truth and Reconciliation Commission Formed

  • PM Stephen Harper "apologizes"

  • Truth and Reconciliation Creates 94 Calls to Action

  • Settlement for 60's Scoop Survivors

  • Trudeau "Framework"

    Traudeau annouces new "framework" for Indegous Issues. No other information.