English speaking countries

  • The trade between India and Britain

    The trade between India and Britain
    Queen Elizabeth I was the one who started the east India company in 1600 to develop trade between Britain and India. A special dictionary was made around this time since English was the language used for trading, it was called the Hobson Jobson. The dictionary was needed since some words in Britain English meant one thing but another in Indian English.
  • The triangle trade

    The triangle trade
    The slave trade started in the 17th century, one part of the trade was called The Triangle Trade. ships from England would load up with guns and manufactured goods and then they would set sail to West Africa which would take them 4 months to get to. When arriving in West Africa the manufactured goods would be traded for African slaves. Then came the middle passage, this was a journey across the Atlantic to get to the Caribbean where the slaves were sold in auctions.
  • The first fleet

    The first fleet
    The first fleet was a fleet of 11 boats consisting of 780 English people, but these were not free people. Many of them were criminals who were transported for life and this meant that they had committed a crime in England and as their punishment they were sent to Australia and were never allowed to go back to England.
    The first fleet arrived in Port Jackson 1788. The fleet consisted mostly of men and their guards. there were 4 men to every woman which caused big problems in the settlement.