English Progression

  • 400

    Old English

    Old English
  • 480

    The Bible Is Completed and Published

    The Bible Is Completed and Published
  • 750

    Suspected Date of Beowulf's Writing

    Suspected Date of Beowulf's Writing
  • 1066

    The Norman Invasion

    The Norman Invasion
  • 1169

    England Colonizes Ireland

    England Colonizes Ireland
  • 1200

    Middle English

    Middle English
  • 1387

    Chaucer's Canterbury Tales

    Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
  • 1440

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Invention of the Printing Press
  • 1450

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus Discovers the Americas

    Columbus Discovers the Americas
  • 1517

    Martin Luther Posts His 95 Theses

    Martin Luther Posts His 95 Theses
  • Modern English

    Modern English
  • Slave Trade Begins in America

    Slave Trade Begins in America
  • Publication of Shakespeare's First Folio

    Publication of Shakespeare's First Folio
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
  • World War II

    World War II