English Literature Timeline

  • 450

    Old english (450 - 1066)

    Old english (450 - 1066)
    English literature begins with the Anglo-Saxon period, when the Romans withdrew from Britain, leaving the Germanic and Scandinavian settlers.
    Characteristics of English literature
    It was influenced by concepts from Italian and French literature, but retaining its own style.
    Old English had an impact on modern English, creating classic works of poetry based on the defeats of the Franco-Norman invasion.
  • 1066

    Middle English

    Middle English
    the period of Old English ended with the Norman invasion of 1066, when the franaces became the language of the educated classes, and gradually merged with the Anglo-Saxon to produce the average English.
  • 1500

    English Renaissance (1500 - 1600)

    English Renaissance (1500 - 1600)
    The dominant forms of literature in the Renaissance in English were the poem and the drama. Among the many varieties of poetry that one could have found in eighteenth-century England were lyric, elegy, tragedy and pastoral.also known as the Elizabethan era
  • Neoclassical period (1660 - 1785)

    Neoclassical period (1660 - 1785)
    During this period, the English literature was acquiring a greater theoretical base to which the works of literary critique of Dryden contributed significantly, between which An essay of dramatic poesy emphasizes (1668), in which the author showed the characteristics of English neoclassicism.
  • Romantic Period (1785 - 1830)

    Romantic Period (1785 - 1830)
    important in the growth of the essay and the satire and the oldest examples of the novel. It can be dated 1798, the year of the publication of lyric ballads and other poems.
  • Romantic Period (1800 - 1860)

    Romantic Period (1800 - 1860)
    He dominated literature in Europe from the late eighteenth century until the mid-nineteenth century. It is characterized by its commitment to imagination and subjectivity, its freedom of thought and expression and its idealization of nature.
  • Victorian Period (1882 - 1914)

    Victorian Period (1882 - 1914)
    the Victorian period was based on long and prodigious novels, which lasted from the mid-nineteenth century until the beginning of the twentieth century
  • XX century period

    XX century period
    ncludes works, literary movements and authors of the twentieth century. it is a century marked by warlike conflicts that shook the conscience of writers, the influence of technology, the breaking of the strict limits between genres.
  • contemporary period (2000 - 2019)

    contemporary period (2000 - 2019)
    study of English literature from the 1950s to the present, as well as the critical analysis of literary discourses and specific texts corresponding to that era. This subject allows the students who study the Degree in English Studies to get in touch with the historical-cultural bases of British society between the 20th century and the 21st century.
  • bibliographic references

    bibliographic references
    1Thomson A. (2014). What is Literature? In The Edinburgh Introduction to Studying English Literature (pp. 3-15). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Retrieved from http://bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=783917&lang=es&site=eds-live -Muñoz, M. (2018). History of English Literature. [Video File]. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/10596/20315