1 CE
Pre Historian literature in England
There is no relevant information about this era because there was not anything written yet. Some people used to communicate with sounds. On the other hand, strange writings were painted on walls leaving a mark of their civilization, but nothing related to literature was evidenced. -
First Anglo Saxon writings (800 AC - 1066AC)
In this year and beyond, the first poem was written; Beowulf, known as the first example by relating about a brave young man who faces Danish soldiers. Nowadays the writer is still unknown. -
Medieval (1200 AC - 1485)
The medieval writings consisted of religious books and some poems. It is clear to specify that the books were still written by hand.
Authors and poems:
- Kempe's book by Margery Kempe.
- Brut by Layamon.
- The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer.
- Le Morte D'Arthur by Thomas Malory.
Most of these books have unknown releasing dates. -
Renaissance (1485 - 1660)
For the English renaissance, there were more print productions, more available libraries were people were able to read and research. Also, some poetries were taken to theatres where people see the play.
These are some authors and their famous poetries:
- Hamlet and Macbeth by William Shakespeare.
- Divine poems, sermons, devotions and prayers by John Donn. -
18TH Century (1660 - 1798)
In this century new ideas passed by, because from poetries had been changed to novels and with political and social issues.
On the other hand, the poetry authors didn't allow the literature was left behind. These are some authors:
- Penelope Aubin: the strange adventures of the count Vinevil and his family (1721).
- Charlotte Lennox: Sophie (1762). -
Romanticism (1798 - 1832)
This definition would have changed a lot according to this era. Now, some actors quit writing social and methodological science linked to philosophy. They gave a new chance to write about beauty and nature.
- Percy Shelley: Prometheus Unbound.
- John Keats: Endymion.
- Lord Byron: Childe Harold's Piligrimage. -
Victorian literature (1798 - 1832)
Victoria has already been chosen as queen to reign in England as her own kingdom, but the authors didn't give up writing. Now, most of the topics were related to the economic and social countries in that country.
- Charles Dickens: the chime (1844).
- Charlotte Brontte: Shirley (1849) -
Century XX
In this century, the English literature tried to allow the students to have a reflection about what they have learned after reading a book. Some students had shown to their teachers about their likes in the literature. On the other hand, there was another intention in helping the student to develop all his/her skills in reading comprehension and pronunciation after reading a book.
- Virginia Woolf: The Voyage out (1915).
- Virginia Woolf: The Waves (1931). -
Century XXI
It wasn't specified in previous ages but in this century the technology belongs to a part in us for our daily tasks. When more than hundreds of years people used to write in papers and pens, now writers use computers instead of the ancient method.
- Peter Redgrove: From the Virgil Craves (2002).
- Neil Gaiman: American gods (2001).