
English literature Timeline

  • 450

    OLD-ENGLISH, Period 450-1066

    OLD-ENGLISH, Period 450-1066
    Called Anglo-Saxon period since it comes from the German tribes of the Angles and the Saxones of Celtic England located between 450 and 1066 where the oral literature and translated prose were counted:
    - Nature
    - Legal
    - Medicine
    - Religious
    Among the best known are Beowolf, caedmon and cyrewolf Go to Bede (673–735) in The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature (3 ed.)
  • Jan 1, 1066

    MIDDLE ENGLISH, period 1066 - 1500

    MIDDLE ENGLISH, period 1066 - 1500
    It was the transition of the language, culture and lifestyle of England, some called it as a form of modern English and it dealt with the religious nature within the mastates are Chaucer, Thomas Midory and Roberth Henryson
    Go to Book of Common Prayer noun in Oxford Dictionary of English (3 ed.)
  • Jan 1, 1500

    THE RENAISSANCE, Period 1500 - 1660

    THE RENAISSANCE, Period 1500 - 1660
    In this period there were 4 ages: the Elizabethan that began in 1558 , the Jacobean that began in 1603, the Carolina that began in 1625 and finally the Coomonwealth that began in 1649 to 1660: Isabellina:
    English Drama with William Shakespeare among others.
    Jacobean: John Dome.
    Carolina: with John Milton and George Herbert
    coomonwealth with: John Milton among others,
    This time was characterized by poetry and drama.
    Go to Shakespeare, William (1564–1616) in World Encyclopedia (1 ed.)
  • THE NEOCLASSICAL, period 1600 - 1785

    THE NEOCLASSICAL, period 1600 - 1785
    This period had three restoration ages: the Puritan era in the theater with William Congress, among others, the Augustan as an invitation to the first Augustinians with Alexander Pope and sensitization with ideas of neoclassicism and worldview illustration with Edward Gibbon among others.
    Go to Pope, Alexander (1688–1744) in A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed.)
  • THE ROMANTIC, period 1785 - 1832

    THE ROMANTIC, period 1785 - 1832
    Really beginning with the publication of William Wordsworth's Lyrical Ballads was the era of British literature with William Blake among others within which there was a gothic call with writers like Matthew Lewis
    Go to Milton in The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature (3 ed.)
  • THE VICTORIAN, Period 1832 - 1901

    THE VICTORIAN, Period 1832 - 1901
    This name was given thanks to the reign of Queen Victoria that lasted until her death and went through 5 periods, it was a bygone era due to social, religious, intellectual and economic problems and the rights reform project began there.
    with poets like Roberth and Elizabeth and prose fiction like Charles Dickens among others.
    Go to Darwin, Charles (1809–82) in A Dictionary of British History (1 rev ed.)
  • THE EDWARDIAN, period 1901 - 1914

    THE EDWARDIAN, period 1901 - 1914
    This period was named after King Eduard VII and lasted until the First World War.
    It was framed by the era of classical novelists like Joseph Conrad and Henry James among others of Poets like William Butler and playwrights like George Vernard and John Galsworthy.
    Go to ‘Heart of Darkness’ in The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature (3 ed.)
  • THE GEORGIAN, period 1910 - 1936

    THE GEORGIAN, period 1910 - 1936
    This period occurred in the reign of George V where Gregorian poets such as Ralph Hodgson and Rupert Brooke among others are found, with a rural or pastoral nature in the modern period
    Go to Brooke, Rupert Chawner (1887–1915) in Who's Who in the Twentieth Century (1 ed.)
  • THE MODERN, Period 1914 - ?

    THE MODERN, Period 1914 - ?
    The works written after the beginning of the First World War, with style and narrative form, verse and drama with novelists like James Joyce and Virginia Woolf, poets like Seamus Heaney and Wilfred Owens, Playwrights like Tom Stoppard and literary criticism of Woolf, Wliot and William Empson among others. Go to Joyce, James (1882–1941) in The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature (3 ed.)
  • THE POST-MODERN, Period 1945 - ?

    THE POST-MODERN, Period 1945 - ?
    This period begins when the Second World War ends and is based on post-structural literary theory and criticism with Samuel Beckett, penelope my anthony burges, among others.
    Go to Nineteen Eighty‐Four in The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature (3 ed.)
  • References

    English literature: 731 - 2000 - Oxford Reference. (2013, September 24). Retrieved from http://www.oxfordreference.com/view/10.1093/acref/9780191737053.timeline.0001
    Thomson A. (2014). What is Literature? In The Edinburgh Introduction to Studying English Literature (pp. 3-15). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Retrieved from http://bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=783917&lang=es&site=eds-live