Ingles antiguo- Anglosajon
Anglo-xason used in dialects of medieval high kingdoms of great britain, these linguistic forms were the beginning of the english language -
Siglo XV variaciones
Penetrate the lower social classes, changing an important part of the grammar and lexicon of old english. Although it has not become a romantic language. Chaucer's english. Seems more in the current language spoken in england a century earlier -
The centuries XIV to XVI in Europe were witnesses of a deliberate rupture with the ways of feudal life. The intellectuals adopted a line of thought known as "humanism, first flourishing of democracy.
Touring "began for the first time to promote Renaissance doctrines, the ideas that these travelers brought back to their homelands would influence culture, government, literature -
Revolucion de pensamiento
It appears the poetry that pursues the pattern of the poetry of the ancient lyricists, that is to say, of the Greek and the Roman.
It is known as the period of restoration of Neoclassicism. The poets of this era were Dryden and Milton, who strove to use a sublime, grand and extraordinary style, based on erudite mentions and theology to stop the accelerated use of imagination. -
Romantic literature privileged pre-industrial themes, seeing rural life and the return to the countryside. His stories often drew on folk traditions, the Greco-Roman mythological tradition or similar imaginaries.
Source: https://www.caracteristicas.co/romanticismo-literario/#ixzz5gpxC4imk -
.It should be noted that in English literature the term modernism is used more to designate an era than a uniform literary movement. The modernist current was directly influenced by experimentalism and the different continental artistic vanguards (cubism, surrealism ...), and is distinguished by its desire to break with the Victorian heritage. -
literatura contemporanea
he literature of the twentieth century includes the works, literary movements and authors of the twentieth century. It is a century marked by armed conflicts that shook the conscience of writers, the influence of technology (especially the audiovisual arts such as cinema and the media, including radio, television, and the Internet), -
Cambios en la Literatura
The influence of Shakespeare in the development of the English language and its rich and distinctive culture is difficult to understand; It is said that this man invented - yes, INVENTÓ - at least 1700 words, including alligator, puppy dog, and fashionable, as well as writing classics like Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet!