Libro lengua inglesa 1060x673

English Literature

  • 410 BCE

    Old English/Anglo Saxon period

    Old English/Anglo Saxon period
    Began in 410 AD. When the Romans withdrew from Britain, leaving it to Germania, and Scandinavian settlers(colonos). In this perod we found: Epic poetry, hagiography, sermons, Bible, chronicles, riddles. The most important writings in those period are: Widsith(Exeter book), Anglo Saxon Chronicle, Beowulf, The Wandered, The Seafarer, etc.
  • Jan 1, 1066

    Middle English Literature

    Middle English Literature
    Began after the Norman Conquest of England and ended in 1470s when a London-based form of English, became widespread and started to standardise a oficial language. The most known written in this period was The Canterbury Tales, written by Geoffrey Chaucer.
  • Jan 1, 1466

    English Renaissance

    English Renaissance
    Began in 1466 when the printing press was introduced to England until de English Restoration in 1660. There are 3 diferent moments in this period:
    • Elizabethan period (1558–1603).
    • Jacobean period (1603–1625)
    • Late Renaissance (1625–1660)
  • Jan 1, 1558

    Elizabethan period

    Elizabethan period
    Began in 1558 when the body's art became in the most famous art in England. During this period was important to be the nearest posible when the human body refers in the art. Anthropocentrism was the basis of the entire period. The most importants writtings in this period are: Poetry: The Faerie Queene, Astrophel and Stella,etc.
    Drama: Gorboduc (1561), The Spanish Tragedy (1592), and the Shakespeare's tragedys (Hamlet, Othello, and Macbeth).
  • Jacobean period

    Jacobean period
    (1603-1625) In this period, one of the most importan writter was Shakespeare, but the writers in this period were the romance and tragocomedy writtigs.
    Other important writers were: Ben Jonson, Thomas Kyd and John Webster in poetry; William Tyndale who made the Bible translation of English.
  • Late Renaissance

    Late Renaissance
    Began in 1625 and ended in 1660. The principal authors were: John Donne (1572–1631), George Herbert (1593–1633), John Milton (1608–1674). etc.
  • Restoration Age

    Restoration Age
    Was writing during the Restoration period(1660-1689), The special characteristic was the official break in literary culture. Includes writing like: Paradaise Lost, Sodom,The Country Wife, etc.
    In this period there were a lot of persecutions caused by censorship and radically moralist standards.
  • 18th century/Augustan literature (1700–1750)

    18th century/Augustan literature (1700–1750)
    This period reflected the filosofical worlview of the Age of Enlightenment. The extreme rationalism and skepticism of the age had been important part of the historical moment. The principal writers in this period are: In poetry James Thomson (1700–1748), Alexander Pope (1688–1744), In drama John Vanbrugh, William Congreve, George Lillo, Richard Steele etc. In prosa Daniel Defoe and Jonathan Swift.
  • 18th century/Age of Sensibility (1750–1798)

    18th century/Age of Sensibility (1750–1798)
    The principal author in this period is Samuel Johnson (1709–1784), he published in 1755 " A Dictionary of the English Language". Other principal authors are: Samuel Richardson, Thomas Gray, Mary Shelley, John Keats, etc.
  • Romanticism (1798–1837)

    Romanticism (1798–1837)
    The historical, philosophical, artistic, intelectual and literary period was originated in Europe ending the XX century.
    In this period ocurred a lot of diferents changes in the Europeran history wich made a lot of changes in the artistic worlview , for example the Agricultural Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and The French Revolution.
    The principal writters of ths period were: John Keats, Lord Byron, Goethe, Walter Scott, Jane Austen and Edgar Allan Poe.
  • Victorian literature (1837–1901)

    Victorian literature (1837–1901)
    In this period the novel became the leading literary genre in English.Women have an important part in the literary world as an readers as a writters.
    The principal authors of this period were: Charles Dickens, Emily Brontë, George Eliot, Robert Louis Stevenson, Jules Verne, Henry James, Bram Stoker, Lewis Carrol, Thomas Hardy, etc.
  • 20th century/Modernism (1901–1922)

    20th century/Modernism (1901–1922)
    Began with a general disapointment about conservatism, the only and bjective truth, and all thoughts related to objectve certains. The principal writters in this period were: Friedrich Nietzsche, James G. Frazer, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Walt Whitman, Joseph Conrad, H. G. Wells, Rudyard Kipling etc.
  • 20th century/Modernism (1923–1939)

    20th century/Modernism (1923–1939)
    There were some important british writters in this periord betweem the World Wars, for example: Virginia Woolf, T.S. Eliot, James Joyce, etc.
  • Post–modernism (1940–2000)

    Post–modernism (1940–2000)
    Postmodern literature is like the modern literature, a experimentation by writers of the modernist period and a reaction against Enlightenment ideas implicit in Modernist literature. around diferents and new styles of the narration and diferent kind ot topics.
    The principal writters in this perior were: George Orwell, William Golding, Samuel Beckett, Seamus Heaney, Charles Tomlinson, Graham Greene, J.K. Rowling, J.R.R. Tolkien, etc.