

  • Period: 600 BCE to 1100

    The Anglo-Saxon Period

    The purpose of this literature was to pass along tribal history and values to a population that could not read or write. The two types of poetry that were written during this period were heroic poetry and Christian poetry. -Most Old English poets are anonymous: 12 are known by name from Medieval sources, but only 4 of those are known by their vernacular works to us today: Caedmon, Bede, Alfred, and Cynewulf.
    Only Caedmon, Bede, and Alfred have known biographies.
  • Period: 1066 to 1401

    The Medieval Period

    Is defined broadly as any work written in Latin or the vernacular between, including philosophy, religious treatises, legal texts, and works of the imagination. More narrowly, however, the term applies to literary works of poetry, drama, romance, epic prose, and histories written in the vernacular (though some histories were in Latin). Artistic works in Medieval Europe were done in the Gothic style religious figures Dante Alighieri- Divine Comedy
    Geoffrey Chaucer- Canterbury Tales
  • Period: 1401 to 1501

    English Renaissance (15th and 16th century)

    This period highlighted for humanism, modernity, interest arises in classic works and drama.
    Authors such as Shakespeare, Francis Bacon with his essays and the poets’ poet Edmund Spencer stood out.
  • Period: to

    The Period of Revolution and Restoration

    In this period, literature was defined in terms of revolution, Christianity, and the use of the heroic couplet. The school of metaphysics of poetry that breaks the conventional stands out. John Milton:Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes
    John Bunyan:The Pilgrim’s Progress
    John Dryden: the most distinguished literary figure of the Restoration period; use of heroic couplet in his writing
  • Period: to

    The Period of Enlightenment and Classicism

    Proposed to return to the ideals and forms of classical antiquity, controlled by some fixed laws and rules. the rise of modern novel; Sentimentalism; Pre-Romanticism. Alexander Pope as the most important representative in this period, with his work. (recognized by the odissey translation)
  • Period: to

    The Romantic Period

    In this period it’s important te prevalence of the individual, subjectivism, the feelings that the poet reflects in each work, also the genre of the historical and terror novel emerged. Romantics also tend to be nationalistic. John Keats as one of the most important representative in this period, with his work “ode to a Nightingale”
  • Period: to

    Critical Realistic Period (the mid and late 19th century)

    In this period fiction is the highest achievemnt with Dickens as its representative. In addition there is movement named Naturalism that describes real life, they usually write about the “Slum life”. Finally, the most representative Victorian Poet is Alfred Tennyson, one of his most outstanding works is The Idylls of the King.
  • Period: to

    The Modern Period

    In this period, realistic novels continue the Victorian tradition, one of the outstanding figures are John Galsworthy, H.G Wells and Arnold Bennet. Also, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf are known for using stream of consciousness in their writing. Finally Drama in the 20th century Bernard Shaw is considered to be the best-known English dramatist since Shakespeare; his plays are inspired by social criticism.