English Language Timeline

  • Period: 400 to


  • Period: 400 to Dec 3, 1100

    Old English

  • Dec 2, 1066

    William invades England

    William was practically the Duke of France and made, England speak with some French words.
  • Period: Dec 2, 1100 to Dec 3, 1500

    Middle English

  • Dec 2, 1150

    Great Vowel Shift

    Many words' vowels started being said with a shorter accent.
  • Period: Dec 2, 1150 to

    Early Modern English

  • Dec 2, 1340

    Chaucer the Poet

    Chaucer's poetry is still read till this day and is still trying to be understood due to the older language.
  • Dictionary

    The very first dictionary was written.
  • Period: to

    Late Modern English

  • British Develop English

    It sounds nothing like how we talk now. Yet, we still use words such as: Be, strong, and water.