Invaded by Angles(Ger), Saxons(Ger) and Jutes(DK).
This had a big impact on the english language spoken before the invasion, it nearly obliterated it. -
Period: 400 to Dec 4, 1066
Anglo-saxon period/invasions
Invasion by the Jutes and the saxons. The danish vikings stayed and influenced widely with Norse. -
Divived into 5 nations
The Island at present contains five nations, the English, Britons, Scots, Picts and Lations. This is how the monks decribed -
Dec 14, 700
Roman letters replaced the runic alphabet
Jan 1, 730
''Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation'' was written
Period: Dec 5, 1066 to Dec 13, 1470
Norman invasion, influenced mostly the high standing.
Dec 14, 1200
Country was split in 3: english, french and latin.
Dec 14, 1384
Translation of the bible, big impact on english vocabulary.
Dec 14, 1400
Grammar was changed to the one we see today.
Period: Dec 14, 1476 to
early modern english
Dec 17, 1476
First printing press was set up by William Caxton.
Dec 17, 1480
They were working on how to print and write correctly.
Bible was translated again
First proper dictionary of the English language by Samuel Johnson.
''A short introduction to English grammar'' by Robert Lowth's.
Publish of John Walker's ''pronouncing Dictionary''.
America gained independence from Britain
Period: to
American English
A new standard english language was made
Period: to
Modern English
Noah webster's ''American Dictionary'' published
Austen's novel ''Emma'', not that different from todays language.
Alot of new words were added in the 19th century.
Danish vikings settle as farmers
Danelaw was established
Period: to Jan 1, 1000
Danelaw was established by the vikings
Danelaw was established by the vikings