English Language Change

By stac
  • Period: 55 BCE to 450

    Before the English Language

    Celtic Tribes in Britain - only real connection was lexis; mostly place names
  • Period: 55 BCE to 55 BCE

    Roman Invasion

    Romans invade Britain - this is the first introduction to Latin which left its mark on the English Language
  • Period: 450 to 1065

    Origins of English

    Anglos and Saxons arrive from Germany
    Old English is spoken
    Written language comes from Latin speaking monks
    half of common vocab terms come from old English
  • Period: 500 to 1100

    Old English

  • 700

    Beowulf Written

    The poem was the highest literature achievement of Old English
  • 1066

    Norman Invasion

    The Normans invaded and brought with them Latin along with Medieval French
  • Period: 1100 to 1500

    Middle English

  • Period: 1343 to 1400

    Chaucer Canterbury Tales

  • Period: 1400 to

    Great Vowel Shift

    The Great vowel shift of this period changes the way long vowels are pronounced. This brings about a shift from West Germanic based Old English to Middle English.
  • 1476

    Invention of the Printing Press

    The invention of the printing press meant that printed matter was more widely available so therefore English Language began to be more standardized.
  • Period: 1500 to

    Early Modern English

  • 1539

    Printing of the Great Bible

    The printing of the Bible during the year brought about an even greater standardization of English and the font changed as well.
  • 1549

    First book of Common Prayer

    This brought the English Language into people homes and for the first time English was the common language in peoples homes.
  • Period: 1564 to


    During this time, he writes many plays including Macbeth which most can read and understand as it was very close to Modern English
  • King James Bible

    This was the first book to be widely read by the general population. This standardized English even further.
  • Newspaper

    Publication of the first English Language Newspaper was the first to use a common High Frequency Lexis that all of the literate population could understand and read.
  • 1st English Dictionary

    Dictionary of English language published - by Samuel Johnston. It brings about rules to the English language, leading to standardization.
  • Britain takes control of Canada

    Britain takes control of Canada from the French. From this the French bring an increasing amount of French lexis into the English language
  • Britain abandons America!!

    Britain abandons its American colonies. This leads to producing an English-speaking nation.
  • American Spelling

    American spelling book published - by Noel Webster. Caused a further deviation from conventional English.
  • Period: to

    Modern English

  • More American English

    American dictionary of English language published - by Noel Webster. Produces an even further deviation from conventional English.
  • Period: to


    Telegrams were sent using morse code to quickly transfer messages from place to place - they were invented by Samuel Morse
  • Period: to


    Telegrams were sent during this period as a faster method of communication than handwriting letters. During this time people often shortened messages as commercially they had to pay by the word - this led to massive language changes during this period.
  • Period: to

    Oxford English Dictionary

    The Oxford English Dictionary was originally published in fascicles between 1884 and 1928. A one-volume supplement was published in 1933, and four further supplementary volumes were published between 1972 and 1986.
  • Titanic Sinks

    Titanic sent SOS telegrams as - this was the 1 of the first times this was used before it was CQD.
  • The BBC

    British broadcasting Cooperation founded - led to people paying attention to the English language being broadcasted globally. Later this became known as BBC English, also known as the Queens English.
  • 2nd Edition Oxford Dictionary

    The second edition of the English Oxford Dictionary was published. This included more words, therefore expanding the vocab of the English language.

    1990's is considered the official birthday of the Internet. Prior to this, the various computer networks did not have a standard way to communicate with each other. A new communications protocol was established called Transfer Control Protocol/Internetwork Protocol (TCP/IP). This means newer words and symbols in the English Language and broadening the language used. Standardisation was made more popular as it was easier to understand when using the computer.
  • Google is here!

    Google was founded on September 4, 1998, by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were PhD students at Stanford University in California. Page rank algorithm was used with the English Language to make the most efficient used of the internet, including language with both computer coding and maths skills.
  • Twitter

    Twitter was founded. This also had a big impact on the English Language and shorthand in an online sense became a lot more common.
  • Txt

    The use of text become more prevalent and phone calls declined, as people realised the ease of typing out a quick, short message that could be replied to whenever the person was available, instead of waiting for them to be near a phone. Written language changed once again to increase the ease of use, with abbreviation coming in like LOL, WYD, DIY etc
  • Alexia

    Alexa was introduced. This meant that computers were now able to recognize human speech and convert it to text, another development of language and the changing of shortened words and terms.