English language and culture

  • Feb 26, 730

    Old English

    Old English
    The English languge is British around the turn of 5th century, in his 'Ecclasiastical History of English' written ca. 730. So we can se that population of no more than 500,000 individuals. As the year past the english were homogenous nation with a commen language.
  • Jan 26, 1066

    Middel English

    Middel English
    From the north france the normans invaded england in 1066. But after that the people still spoke there 'good Old English'.
    The latin were still in the church.
    It's took long time too chance from old english to middel english. We can see that one the gramma, vocabulary and the spelling was a big chance.
  • Jan 26, 1200

    Middel English

    Middel English
    In the Middel ages the former system we still see english today.
    Where word order establishes the relationship between the words in a sentence.
  • Jan 26, 1477

    Early Modern English

    Early Modern English
    In the Erarly Morden English nobody knew how to write and print 'correctly'. They did't have dictionaries and grammar books.
    The english language from 1476 to the late 18th.
    New things concepts techinques and inventions new words.
  • Jan 26, 1478

    Early Modern English society

    Early Modern English society
    William Caxton was the first printing press, is considered a crucial year in the history. At that time a book can be product of many months. The printing press could now mass produce texst for mass circulation.That mean that the spelling, gramma and vocabulary had to be thoughout the county.
  • American English

    American English
    In 1776 Amarica gained its independence from Britain. There are a big different between Amarican- and Britain english. In 1806 Noah Webster published his first Amarican dictionary.
    We can see four difference between Britain and amarican English.
    - Spelling
    - Vocabulary
    - Proununciation
    - Intonation
  • Modern English

    Modern English
    The Modern English in the 18th was continued to chance but at a much slower rate that in the previous centuries.
    In the morden English there were big chances in the multiple social,scientific tchnological. With imperialism, urbanization and industrialization hundres of thoundsand of words were addad to english vocabulary.
  • Global English

    Global English
    The USA's status as being one af the most dominat nations in the modern world is the other. That English is a world language cannot argued. British colonists went, they brougth along their language and introduced it as the language of goverment, administation, commerece, education.