
Timeline of the English Nation- Jasmine Carranza

  • 55 BCE

    Julius Caesar conquers the Celts

    Julius Caesar conquers the Celts
    This made Britain the westernmost province of the Roman Empire
  • 871

    Alfred the Great rules England

    Alfred the Great rules England
    871-899; He was the first great king of England
  • 1016

    Canute the Dane rules England

    Canute the Dane rules England
    1016-1042; Ruled England, Denmark, and Norway as an empire
  • 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    William defeated Harold's infantry
  • 1086

    Domesday Book completed

    Domesday Book completed
    A census was taken and the results were put in this book
  • 1337

    Hundred Years' War

    Hundred Years' War
    This battle actually had a few interruptions over the years
  • 1455

    Wars of the Roses

    Wars of the Roses
    Between the Yorks, white roses, and the Lancasters, red roses.
  • 1485

    Henry Vll

    Henry Vll
    He became king as a result of the Wars of the Roses
  • 1509

    Henry Vll rules England

    Henry Vll rules England
    1509-1547; Wrote Defense if the Seven Sacraments against Martin Luther
  • 1531

    The Convocation

    The Convocation
    Henry Vll forced the English clergy to recognize him as the "only supreme lord"
  • 1542

    Mary Queen of Scots rules Scotland

    Mary Queen of Scots rules Scotland
    1542-1567; She was a week old when she became queen of Scotland
  • 1547

    Edward Vl rules England

    Edward Vl rules England
    Ascended at the age of nine
  • 1553

    Mary l rules England

    Mary l rules England

    AKA Bloody Mary
  • 1558

    Elizabeth l rules England

    Elizabeth l rules England
    "The Virgin Queen"
    "Good Queen Bess"
  • Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    Defeat of the Spanish Armada
    The Spanish Armada was defeated after 10 days of fighting
  • James l

    James l
    1603-1625; The first Stuart king
  • Charles l

    Charles l
    1625-1649; Was ruler when the Petition of Right was drawn up
  • English Civil War

    English Civil War
    1642-1646; Officially began when the king raised his banner in Nottingham
  • 1662

    The Monarchy was fully restored
  • The Plague

    The Plague
    AKA Black Death;
    Caused by a rat flea;
    Whole families wiped out in days;
  • The Great Fire of London

    The Great Fire of London
    The fire lasted for 3 days
  • The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution
    AKA Bloodless Revolution