English history and literature

  • General strike

    Better conditions, unemployment
  • Balfour declaration: The British Commonwealth of Nations

  • Throne crisis

    Edward VII--> George VI
  • Spanish Civil War and Literature of Commitment

    to 1939
  • Period: to


  • "Another time", Auden

  • Labour Party, "Welfare State"

  • Marshall plan

  • Period: to

    National Party istitutionalised apartheid in SA

  • Dystopian Novel: 1984

  • "Waiting for Godot", Beckett

  • Elizabeth II

  • "Look Back in Anger", John Osborne

  • Berlin Wall

  • Annus Mirabilis for sexual mores

  • Reforms

    • Matrimonial Property Act
    • Sexual offence Act
    • Divorce Reform Act
    • Contraceptives (Nation Health Service Act)
  • Capital punishment abolition

  • Joins the European Community

  • Period: to

    Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

  • "A soldier's embrace", Nadine Gordimer

  • Falklands War

  • Poll tax

  • Fall of the berlin Wall

  • Prime Minister John Major

  • General Elections= end of apartheid

  • Prime Minister Tony Blair

  • "The Pickup", Nadine Gordimer's

  • Prime Minister David Camerun