English found Jamestown, Virginia
French found Quebec
Spanish found Santa Fe
Henry Hudson Expedition
Galileo displays the telescope
Tobacco Crop Established
New Netherlands
Dutch brings slaves to America
Establishment of house of burgesses
Puritans settle in Massachusetts
Plymouth Colony
Harvard was founded
The first colonial printing press is set up in Cambridge, Massachusetts
The start of the Englilsh Civil War
In Massachusetts, the general court approves a law that makes religious heresy punishable by death.
Rhode Island declared slavery illegal
Navigation Act of 1663
The British Navigation Act of 1673
The Treaty of Westminster ends hostilities between the English and Dutc
Pennsylvania is founded
Protestants in France lose their guarantee of religious freedom
Quakers in Pennsylvania issue a formal protest against slavery in America.
The English Parliament passes the Wool Act
Massachusetts passes a law ordering all Roman Catholic priests to leave the colony within three months, upon penalty of life imprisonment or execution. New York then passes a similar law.