First Children's Book
John Newberry's “A Little Pretty Pocket-Book” was the first book published for children to read and enjoy. Masters, K. (2012, September 20). A brief history of children’s literature. Our Blog. https://blog.bookstellyouwhy.com/bid/230055/a-brief-history-of-children-s-literature -
Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori believed that students should learn to write before they learn to read. Teaching reading and writing with montessori. Guidepost Montessori. (n.d.). https://www.guidepostmontessori.com/blog/teaching-reading-writing-montessori# -
Lev Vygotsky
Vygotsky believes that children's development is guided by their social interactions. Marketing, G. (n.d.). Lev Vygotsky’s theory of Child Development - Gowrie NSW. Gowrie NSW - A new discovery every day. http://www.gowriensw.com.au/thought-leadership/vygotsky-theory#:~:text=Vygotsky%27s%20social%20development%20theory%20asserts,an%20independent%20journey%20of%20discovery. -
Science of Reading
Science of reading is when teachers use evidence-based methods in their lesson plans. Teachers also have to give parents updates on their students' progress. Schwartz, S. (2023, July 21). Which states have passed “science of reading” laws? what’s in them? Education Week. https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/which-states-have-passed-science-of-reading-laws-whats-in-them/2022/07 -
Amazon Kindle
The Amazon Kindle allows anyone to buy a book and then read it on the device so they do not have to carry around a big book. The Kindle also allows you to have multiple books on it at a time. Hall, C. (2023, March 27). Amazon Kindle: A brief history from the original Kindle onwards. Pocket. https://www.pocket-lint.com/amazon-kindle-history-kindle-to-the-kindle-oasis/ -
Title 59-155-180
Schools must have literacy support or reading coaches employed. 2018 South Carolina Code of laws :: Title 59 - education :: Chapter 155 - South Carolina Read to Succeed Act :: Section 59-155-180. pre-service and in-service teacher education programs. Justia Law. (n.d.). https://law.justia.com/codes/south-carolina/2018/title-59/chapter-155/section-59-155-180/