The language is acquired by the power of input.
You need structure to communicate ideas in real situations. -
Meaning interaction is the key to develop the communicative competence. -
He says that there are some aspecs that influence the communicative and linguistic competence acquisition taking into account a sociocultural view.
It is important use and usage of the language. -
The communicative have to be developed at the same time as the linguistic skills. -
Distintion between Skill-getting and Skill-using.
Educational framework.
"Students must learn to articulate acceptably and construct comprehensible language secuences by rapid asociations of learned elements" -
*Acquiring the knowledge about the languge but also acquaring the ability to use it to communicate.
*Teach communicative competence along linguistic competence.
*Use and usage/ significance and value -
Canale & Swain
There are rules of language use that would be useless without rules of grammar, according to them grammatical competence is as essential to study communicative competence and additionally social behavior.
They includes tree main competences: gramatical,sociolinguistic and strategic competence. -
Live the language as a personal experience with the target language, practicing structural, funtional and sociocultural aspects. -
Stern & Rivers
They maintain Skill-getting and Skill-using wich should not be taught as a strict sequencing -
Bachman & Palmer
Communicatve competence is based on Organizational and Pragmatic knowledge. -
Language abilities and knowledge for interaction in different contexts.
She define communicative competence as a " constructor globalizante que abarca las habilidades, destrezas y conocimientos de los que ha de services el usuario de la lingua para interpretar efectivamente diverse contexts sociales"