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English Colony

  • Roanoke

    In 1585 a group of settlers was sent to Virginia from Raleigh. They settled off of present day North Carolina, Roanoke Island. After a year of hardships, the group returned back to England. In 1587 John White led 117 colonists back to Roanoke, this time with women and children. White would end up returning to England to gather supplies.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was settled in 1607, having been named after King James. Success did not come immediately to Jamestown, having been stricken will illness early witha low survival rate. The settlers were originally told to look for gold, lowering their knowledge of planting crops, so starvation soon became a problem. John Smith came to the rescue, however, who helped with planting crops and stopped search for gold, along with Powhatan tribe who helped teach to plant crops.
  • Mayflower/Plymouth/Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower/Plymouth/Mayflower Compact
    In 1620, a group of Separatists had left England to start a pilgrimage to the Americas. The group left because they had broken off from Church of England. They were aiming to land in Virginia, but ended up landing in Massachusetts. The group struggled to plant crops, until a local tribe helped plant crops. The two groups created peace and had the first Thanksgiving.
  • New York Colonization

    New York Colonization
    The Dutch West India Trading Company had created a colony in North America called New Netherland on Manhattan Island, later renamed to New York. Many differet groups were attracted to the land, 20 percent of the population by 1750 was African American. The English were able to gain control by not even firing a single shot in 1664.
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    Many Puritans decided to escape religious persecution by moving to the Americas in 1630. 60,000 people left England with the majority settling In the West Indies, less than a third of the colonists settles in Massachusetts. Back home in England, the Puritans and supporters of King Charles had a Civil War, resulting in the Puritans winning causing the moving away to the Americas to cease.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    In 1630 the Massachusetts Bay Company sent a thousand settlers on eleven ships to Massachusetts. On the boats were Puritans who received a royal charter wishing to escape religious persecution. The group created a Bible commonwealth, where they were all working towards a common good.
  • Maryland

    With Virginia thriving economically with a steady population of around 2,500, pressure was building to expand growth of colonization. Charles I in 1632 decided to take charge and become owner of the land to later be named Maryland, which was named after his wifes name, Henrietta Maria. The purpose was to build a place for his fellow Roman Catholics who wished to escape the persecution from Protestant England.
  • Connecticut

    The Dutch were the first to claim the Northeast colony. They established the Connecticut River Valley, in present day Hartford. When towns like Boston became crowded in the 1930's, places like Connecticut were where they fled. Thomas Hooker was credited as the founder.
  • Rhode Island

    In 1636, Roger Williams bought land from a group called the Narrangansets which would layer be named Providence, Rhode Island. Williams was a Anglican Priest, who believed there should be a separation from church and state, an unpopular belief at the time. In 1644 he was able to receive a charter for the colony granting religious freedom.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    In 1619, the House of Burgesses became the first legislative assembly to gather in North America. The group decided on many issues such as cutting taxes and opening Indian lands to colonists. the group ended in 1776.
    book and https://www.encyclopediavirginia.org/House_of_Burgesses
  • Maryland Toleration Act

    Maryland Toleration Act
    In 1649, the assembly of the Maryland colony in St. Mary’s city passed a law regarding for Trinitarian Christianity granting then religious http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/documents/1600-1650/the-maryland-toleration-act-1649.php.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    In 1662, the community of Salem, Massachusetts misunderstood serizures that had occured ti several ladies as to be possession of the devil in their spirit. People at that time believed in the devil and has ability to enter in humans. Over 200 came forward to claim they were witches, while 59 were put on trial, 39 were convicted, and 19 were hung. People soon after came to realize the amount if sense it made and out it to stop.
  • Carolina

    In 1663 King Charlws II gave several of his supporters a chunk of land, located between Virginia and Southern Florida. The land would later be named Carolina. Unfortunately, the land owners proved they were not good governors, and the king took back ownership of the land.
  • Bacon’s Rebellion

    Bacon’s Rebellion
    In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon stepped up when war was wanted against the Native Americans. He created an army full of local settlers and attacked Indians on the frontier by surprise. He was joined by indentured servants and slaves, which together took down Jamestown. Bacon later died from illness.
  • Pennsylvania

    In 1681 land was granted to an admirals son who was owed a favor named with the last name Penn. His goal with the colony was to make it a safe haven for Quakers like him to excape religious persecution. He named the colony after himself.
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    The thought that God had created the universe and had stepped back and watched humans handle their own business was a thought that had swept through Europe and the Americas in the 1730’s and 1740’s , the idea was called Deism.
  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    The Albany Plan of Union was created by Benjamin Franklin, which basically was the idea to put a larger emphasis on defense. The idea would then be rejected, fearing that taxes would raise and Britain would have too much power.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War took place from 1754-1763. The two sides were the French and the Indians battling against the British and colonists. George Washington was able to get battle recognition because of his success in the war. The British side ended up winning causing the French to not ally with them in the American Revolution.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The Indians were very upset with the amount of fur traders coming in their land to do their hunting. The Indians responded with several attacks. The British did not want to put up with this, so in 1763 they released a proclamation saying you needed royal permission to go west of Appalachian Mountains.
  • Salutary Neglect

    A term used to describe the strict laws being forced on to the colonies by Britain in the 17th and 18th centuries. It was forced on by British parliament. https://www.britannica.com/topic/salutary-neglect